Chapter 23

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"Where now the horse and the rider?

Where is the horn that was blowing?

Where is the helm and the hauberk,

And the bright hair flowing?"

I chanted as I rode to the kingdom of Rohan, Adán was no longer so cold thanks to the heat of the sun, the heat of the famous south that many love. I could feel his heart beating more consistently, I could not call Ágo or Acay, they are too far away to leave Adán waiting for their magic. The oddity of Ágo's power made me feel frustrated, no doubt she is a very lucky girl with great potential, but I felt a bad taste in my mouth when I realized I didn't have the magic to heal.

"Where is the hand on the harpstring,

And the red fire glowing?

Where are the spring and the harvest,

And the tall corn growing?"

I heard him whining again, he was sweating a lot and he had burned the blanket while he blacked out twice. He's sick and I can't do anything until I arrive at Edoras, the one that would take care of us in a moment like this would be Gabi when no one else was around. I touched his forehead with my unclothed hand, he needed assistance immediately, my cousins might be immortal, but they are like the elves, a mortal wound and their grace is gone forever.

"They have passed like rain on the mountain,

Like a wind in the meadow...

The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow.

Who shall gather the smoke of the deadwood burning,

Or behold the flowing years from the Sea returning?"

I splashed fresh water on his forehead, trying to make the fever go down a little. If it's true that Saruman possessed Theóden's mind, then I hope that Gandalf can return him to the side of the light.


I shivered. Gandalf's voice engulfing my head in an echo, I motioned Fenmód to keep going as I closed my eyes, concentrating in the darkness and finding only the wizard against Saruman in the body of the king. "Saruman has overthrown the mind of the king! I need you to take the darkness and cease Saruman's spell!"

The king looked at me from the throne, and his eyes widened, his teeth scratching at my sigh. Gandalf pointed his staff at Théoden, who squirmed in his throne. "Little girl-- You will be his!" Saruman screamed, and I looked up as my eyes shined.

"Valar, lar mime esta, mime hyermë! I fea o hloita ana rôs kal yenya coiv amaurëa!" I started, and Théoden squirmed, but he learned to look at us. "If I go... Théoden dies." Gandalf again pointed at the king with his staff, and the King flies against his throne. "You did not kill me. You did not kill (Y/N). You will not kill him."

𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 | 𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐑Where stories live. Discover now