Chapter 37

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The question came late at night when I had found the second son of Denethor in the Houses of Healing. I gave him a glass of water, and as soon as he realized who I was, he stood up and bowed. I flashed him a small smile, telling him to stop and sit back, he had asked me a lot about my adventures in Middle Earth, about Haco, his master, but I didn't know I was prepared for such a question.

"I would... Like to ask you about Boromir. About his final moments. I understand you were there." Sitting up straighter in my chair, I nodded, avoiding Faramir's searching gaze and staring down at his hands. So much had happened since then, but the memories were so clear. "I have upset you... Forgive me. We do not have to speak of this."

"Boromir's death upset me... But I can assume it upset you to a higher degree, Haco told me your father's attitude towards you. I can answer your questions, Faramir, I believe you deserve some answers." A warm smile graced Faramir's lips this time, and he took a breath before asking. "What were his final moments like?"

"Heroic. There are no other words for it. We were facing a hoard of Uruks with no way to defend ourselves and Boromir leaped to aid the hobbits in our care. He fought off what felt like one hundred Uruks before he was struck down. Even when the first arrow hit, he kept fighting."

"That sounds like him." Faramir shook his head. "Stubborn to a fault." Faramir made a strangled noise and stood from his chair, but I kept going. "There was a faraway look in his eyes as if he was both present and absent from the situation."

"It would make sense. Boromir was always thinking of me, even when we were together." Faramir's tone was sad, his shoulders shaking. "Enough talk of sorrowful things. I'm glad it was heroic, he would have liked to be remembered like that." I smiled then and stood from my chair to join Faramir at the edge of the balcony. "I believe you should be getting some rest, Faramir." He smiled, and I walked back through Faramir's chambers to the door as the man followed. "Goodnight, Lady (Y/N)." I bowed and got out of the room.

I walked many corridors until stopping in front of the one I wanted, and knocked on the door twice, waiting for the new king of Gondor to open the door to let me in. He finally did, his lips parting at the sight of me. "Pardon my intrusion, Aragorn. But I... I needed to sleep close to someone."

The king of Gondor stepped aside and motioned me to enter, which I did. I knew I could have gone to any of my cousins' rooms, but I also needed to talk to him, of what, I do not know exactly, maybe I only had to see him. Shutting the door, Aragorn gestured to the bed, but I didn't sit, turning to him slowly. "Something is bothering you." Aragorn said quietly. "What plagues you so late at night?"

"Forgive me, maybe I only needed to know that you alright with the decision of being king." I sighed fondly. "I don't want to see you hurt, as you know I love you very much." Maybe I shouldn't have said that in that way, maybe he will take it the wrong way. He saw me with Éomer for fuck's sake, even if it was only a hug!

Aragorn offered a sympathetic smile. "I know, my lady..." He hugged me, after a few moments I embraced him back softly. "I'm sorry I couldn't go with you, I really am." I felt his arms hugging me tightly towards him, I could feel Aragorn's sadness in his breath, it was a lot quicker than I would have liked. Aragorn's palm is large and warm in mine, long fingers clinging tightly to my slender digits. "I'm sorry... I should not be here..."

"Stay." He murmured, not loosening his hold of me, he closes what little distance lies between us, and brushes his lips over mine.

His eyes flickered closed, mouth opening to return his gentle touch. We shared a sweet kiss, and then he parts only enough to whisper. "Do you truly wish to return to your quarters?" His gaze rests on my lips. I don't say anything, only looking away, because he always stirs that in me, one way or another. Then he shakes his head softly, and his hand lifts to my head, tangling in my (H/C) hair as he kisses me again.

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