Chapter 15

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On the path into the forest, several troops of Uruk-hai advance towards me. I don't know how they found us and worst of all, I don't know where Frodo is. I don't know where everyone is. I cut several down, I set them on fire, I tie them, I mutilate them, I decapitate them, but more appear from the small hills of the black forest. The wind slips through leaves, cracking undergrowth with each of their steps, creaking tree trunks, the flutter of wings unseen, snapping twigs, grass and weed sliding against legs, breathing sounds, snarls, grunts and cries of pain are all I can hear.

I had put myself in war again, and I was on Saruman's list.

I felt sweat on my lips, dryness in my throat, sometimes a cold metallic tang from the blood of the creatures attacking me. My trembling hands closed around my axe, relieved to have my weapon in my hands, I pushed the loose strands of my hair out of my face but sweat, dirt and blood made it difficult. Taking a deep breath I surveyed my surroundings. Most Orcs were dead, only a few fallen still moaned in pain.

I glanced at the Orc closest to me, the face was twisted in pain, one strong blow with my axe had cut the Orc's legs off and he was bleeding out painfully. A man would've been already dead at this point but Orc's were resilient. Thousands of years of fighting in unfavorable conditions made it actually difficult to kill them swiftly though that was their only advantage, usually, they lacked the skill and the knowledge to be fearful opponents on a battlefield. There was a reason they traveled in large groups, used ambushes and tried to outnumber their enemies before charging into an attack. "Elven filth." The orc cursed me. "Do you have nothing better to do with your immortal life to come and watch me die?"

"I want to make sure you'll find your end in this place." I answered, my breathing had calmed and with practiced ease, I regained my composure. Centuries of battling Orcs made this evening into nothing more than an exercise. "Well, Elf." The Orc spats, choking on the blood filling his mouth. "Soon he'll be rid of your presence. I'm glad. There are better ways to die than in the presence of the darkness."

"Don't mock me, slave of Saruman. You know nothing of my kin and I'll end your remaining life in the most painful way I know before you sully their names further." I towered over the dying orc and slammed his boot down on the ribcage. The orc coughed up blood and howled in pain but it didn't get rid of his nasty grin.

The Orc coughed. "I lived through three ages of the world. It's shameful for me to die by the hand of someone who has doomed her life to impostors!" Fury rose in me and I pressed the tip of my axe against the bare neck of the orc. My fingers itched to pull through and end the odd conversation I was having with the charred and enslaved Orc. "Nothing you say can unsettle me." An unholy light was reflected in his eyes. "I hope you find peace on the other side." Now the orc's eyes widened in horror.

"No, no. I refuse to suffer this fate!" He screamed. "I serve Sauron! He'll reward me and I'll kill you when he conquers this world! He will pass you to darkness! He will bind you with him! You will be hi--" I slit the orc's throat after that, watching how the eyes of the fallen creature light up one final time.

I was still kneeling next to the dead orc, now silence claimed the land. There were no Orcs, no whispers, no battle cries. With a deep breath, I rose to my feet, eyes looking forward as I grabbed my axe. The silence was short as I heard loud snarls and growls, I ran and climbed over a hill, watching Merry and Pippin run across an old stone bridge. At its far end, they stop and see Uruk-hai running towards them. I jumped and ran towards the hobbits as the Orcs are closing in, both in front and behind.

An Uruk runs up to them, raising his battle axe, but Boromir comes charging in, knocking the Orcs back, and kills him with his own axe and throws a knife at another. The Gondorian and I hold the Uruks in place with earth, letting the halflings kill them with ease. A whole troop of Orcs rushed to us at great speed. "Go! I'll slow them down!" I screamed at them.

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