Chapter 13

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An elegant ship, carved in the likeness of a swan flows through a river, Galadriel stood in it gracefully. The morning was especially uncomfortable, I had to awaken alone, and to my dismay, his eyes glued to mine as if I was his beloved back in Rivendell, I ruined everything because of my selfishness. Our friendship and possibly his future with his love.

I felt different, and I don't if it's in a bad or good way. I closed my eyes as my cloak is fastened with a green, silver-veined leaf-brooches. "Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people. May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes." Elves prepare boats for our departure and Legolas is among them, shifting parcels into a set provided by the Galadhrim.

Legolas held up a thin wafer for Merry and Pippin to see, as they sat in a boat. "Lembas! Elvish Way-bread. One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man." He walked up onto the shore, leaving the Hobbits by themselves. "How many did you eat?"

Pippin looks at him. "Four." And then burps, making me giggle behind them. "Every league you travel south, the danger will increase. Mordor Orcs now hold the eastern shore of the Anduin." Aragorn and Celeborn wander through the heavy mist and sunlight as they speak, unaware that I was hearing. "Nor will you find safety on the western bank. Strange creatures bearing the mark of the White Hand have been seen on our borders. Seldom do Orcs journey in the open, under the sun, yet these have done so!"

The two pause and Aragorn looked down. Celeborn holds an ornate dagger before him and he takes it and unsheathes it. "Le aphadar aen." Aragorn sheathes the dagger. "By river you have the chance of outrunning the enemy to the Falls of Rauros. And please... Do not hold her from her destiny." As the group gets on their boats, I am stopped by Galadriel's eyes, making me turn to look at her. I stepped closer to her and embraced her slim figure. "Do not be afraid of what is to come. Do not think of every choice you have to make." Galadriel started. "And most importantly, let your heart open... When others want to go in." I stared at her as I open my mouth, but nothing came out, I only flashes her a small smile.

I turned to the boats and sat in the same boat as Legolas and Gimli. The sun is reaching its rosy fingers over the hills, Caras Galadhon rises far away, in the mists. Voices sing with the rising dawn as the boats move further downstream, Legolas's eyes stare distantly, smiling. Galadriel had given to each of us a present, every single guest would receive something from our people. Our most appreciated present was the honor to hold the symbol of Lórien in our skin, Gabi, apart from everyone, had the special case to receive a new weapon, a sword as the same size as my axe.

I sighed as I remembered the Fellowship's faces at receiving gifts from the elven queen.

My gift for you, Legolas, is a bow of the Galadhrim, worthy of the skill of our woodland kin." Galadriel smiles and turns to Merry and Pippin. "These are the daggers of the Noldorin. They have already seen service in war. Do not fear, young Peregrin Took. You will find your courage."

Galadriel looks at Sam. "And for you, Samwise Gamgee: Elven rope, made of hithlain."

"Thank you, my lady." He looks sidelong at the blades held by Merry and Pippin, then looks up hopefully. "Have you run out of those nice, shiny daggers?" 

 "Have you run out of those nice, shiny daggers?" 

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