Chapter 18

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I'm used to hard work, traveling day and night, to sleeping less than three hours a day or even longer. Yet, I was feeling exhausted. Exhausted and hopeless, I did not want to admit that there might be a chance that Merry and Pippin were dead. That Uruk-hai might have found out that neither of the hobbits was the ring bearer and had left them to die. To be honest, the four of us denied that it was possible and it was the only thing that kept me carrying on, pushing my body to move forward, to follow Aragorn and chase Uruk-hai with all our might.

The Orcs continue to march, as if they don't get tired of ever fighting, they have been created to be technically like robots. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli run after them as I try to stay hidden as I flew, the rocks giving me a hideout for each mile we pass chasing them. "Keep breathing, that's the key! Breathe! Hooh!" I hear Gimli's voice as an echo in my ears, making me roll my eyes. 

"They run as if the very whips of their masters were behind them!" Legolas exclaimed. We will continue until we find them, I will kill every last of them, and I will make sure they suffer in Eru's grasp.

"(Y/N)!" I heard Aragorn from afar, motioning me to not go far. I flew over to them and landed safely as they continued running. "If they are really going to Isengard, keep in mind that we cannot just enter Saruman's domain." Aragorn nodded, throwing me the brooch from one of the hobbits. "Save it, I know you will be the first one they want to see."

"What if you just explode his tower!" Gimli screams from behind, and I laughed. "Without knowing how or why he is with Sauron? I don't think so." We ran all night after the Orcs, the blue sky had turned dark quicker than I expected, I didn't think we would last so long but I was so tired, there was only the sound of wind with our fast steps. Legolas stops, staring at me with concern. When did I stop?

"(Y/N)? Are you alright?" He asked and I nodded, sitting on a near rock with the elf's help, my view was so fuzzy. 

I could hear his voice again, so deep. We are close to Mordor and I didn't even realize it. Gimli came next to me, panting as harshly as I never thought before. "Thank you for stopping. Both my cousin and I needed it." Legolas pursed his lips in annoyance, and all of sudden I see Aragorn, sitting in front of me as he touched my forehead. "I'm sorry." The heir started. "I did not... I did not think that we were so close to Mordor." I shook my head, giving them a small smile. "No please, go ahead without me. I'll be okay." The three of them averted their eyes, but only Gimli yelled.

"No! No! I will not leave a Durin behind! I will not leave MY queen behind!" I stared at him, remembering the times when we trained together, he had helped me so much with the dwarven culture along with Dís and Thorin. I would do everything to see him as brave as he is now. "I am not your queen anymore, Gimli."

They stayed in silence, and I stood up. "But I am still a Durin... We must go, they are not far from where we are." Gimli yelled a loud 'YES', but Aragorn grabbed my arm. "Have you rested enough?"

"I did not, but neither have you." I muttered, staring at him as he slowly let go of my arm, not breaking the trance. "I'll be fine, for now. Aragorn, if I suffer from him again I know I can trust you, all of you." The three stood tall, looking at me with a smile. "Let's find our friends." Aragorn nodded and we resumed our running into the depths of Rohan. I must talk with Adán and Haco as soon as possible.

// The next morning //

It is dawn now, we had stopped every once in a while, but both Legolas and I always watched beyond their eyes. The weird thing is, I could not feel the darkness anymore, gosh I hope Frodo is alright. "A red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night." Legolas says, stopping to stare at the sun.

I stop on a high rock, staring at the landscapes. "I hear something!" I warned, halting all of them. "What is it? Is it the Orcs?!" Gimli yells, preparing his axe. "No, but there is something coming our way." I clarified and a shiver ran down my spine. Despite traveling on Rohan's territory a few years back, I hadn't been approached by anyone but by the kings, which meant that now the only option was that Uruk-hair sent their kin to kill us.

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