Chapter 27

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"(Y/N)!" I turned to look at Adán, who had interrupted my conversation with the king and the Rohirrim. "Acay and Ágo are here!" He exclaimed out, making his way down to the courtyard, I smiled brightly, giving an apology to King Théoden and immediately running out the door after my cousin.

As fast as I was running down the stairs, I was tackled by a warg, a white, familiar warg. I laughed and petted Aesigir happily and she nuzzle my neck. "(Y/N)!!" I gazed onwards to see Acay and Ágo running to me, embracing me tightly as Adán laughed. "We missed you all so much!" Acay said, smiling at us.

"We have come to warn you about Saruman!" Ágo suddenly exclaimed, and I furrowed my brows. "What about Saruman?" I stood up with the help of Adán, the two of us staring at them with indignation. "His army of Uruk-Hai is coming to Helm's Deep. We do not know how he discovered your plan to save the people of Rohan, but he is coming. That's all we know." Acay said, giving Aesigir water. Saruman couldn't have any information about our proposition to the king, unless... 

"Gríma Wormtongue." Adán and I said at the same time.

"We have to talk with the king Théoden as soon as possible!" Advised Acay, but the girl only shrugged. "I bet Aragorn is already giving--"

"Aragorn?!" I half shouted in disbelief, making them jump in their places, Adán stepped forward. "You found Aragorn? How? Is he okay?"

"He actually found us, and we followed him here, he entered not too long ago. Why?" Ágo asked, confused at our expressions. "We believed him dead, he had jumped off the cliff when warg scouts attacked us, and we didn't hear of him for these 3 days in Helm's Deep." I felt time stop as I made my path inside, there I saw the heir with the elf.

I let out a sigh of relief, my eyes shining with tears. It seemed as though I had been holding my breath since learning of Aragorn's fall, and every emotion hit me at once with such force, I was frozen in place with a blank expression on my face.

There was so much to say and so much to ask that I did not know where to start. I was overjoyed that the man was alive. I was upset at the state the man was in and was concerned for his health, he was filthy, bleeding, aching in every limb. I was mad that Aragorn had been so reckless as to take on the mounted warg rider in the first place. What happened to him? Did Brego bring him here?

The elf opened his mouth to speak but all he could formulate was... "Le ab dollen." Legolas looked him over, taking in his wounds. "You look terrible." 


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