Whats your name?

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Roli was waiting for Siddhant while Siddhant was sleeping in his room.

Finally SIddhant came out for Dinner.

Siddhant & Roli had dinner.

Siddhant went back to his room.

Nirmala: Rajender why Siddhant is not showing any interest in the marriage.  Is there any problem.

Rajender: Not like that Maaji.  He was there in US for so many years.  Now he is finding difficult to adjust to this climate, people & procedures.  He will be alright.

Nirmala: As I said did you processed for taking Roli with Siddhant.

Rajender: Yes Maaji.  I have applied for her Visa.  It will be received in a week time.

Nirmala: Well.  Within that time, let them be here with us.  Anyway they need to go to all relatives house also.

Rajender: Maaji, dont mistake me.  He feels uneasy for all these.  Let him just be at home & return back.  Next time we will tell him to go to all houses.

Nirmala: Ok.  

Gauri & Sujatha dressed up ROli with simple jewels.

Roli was looking very cute & pretty in the blue saree & simple jewels.

Sujatha: ROli, Siddhant was in US since long.  You only need to understand & adjust with him.  Hope you will understand what I am trying to say.

Roli nod her head as acceptance.

Sujatha & Gauri left Roli in Siddhant room.

Roli entered the room and locked the door.

Siddhant was sitting in the chair looking into his laptop.

Roli went near him & adjusted her voice.

Siddhant not even lift his face.

Siddhant: Whats your name?... 

Roli was shocked to hear this.

Siddhant: yes. Roli..  Just dont disturb me.  I got some friends online to chat with. 

Roli was speechless.

Roli pour the milk in the glass & foward her hands towards Siddhant.

Siddhant: Hey, what are you doing.  Dont pour the milk in my laptop.  

Roli: Maaji said we need to drink this milk.

Siddhant: took the milk & drink it completely.

Roli: You have not kept for me.

Siddhant: It was for both of us.  I was not knowing.  Sorry.  I am fed up with these procedure.  Why we need to drink milk from same glass.  Wont they have another glass to give for you.  Ok anyway.  Go & sleep.

Roli was wondering what to talk to him further.

Also Roli noticed that he not even looked at her properly while Roli was wearing the blue color saree which was his favorite color.

Roli remembered what Sujatha said to adjust with him.

Roli went near the bed and lean towards the pillow and was starring Siddhant from there.

Siddhant was very busy and not even lift his face.

Roli started sleeping in few minutes.

After so many hours almost by early morning, Siddhant finally shut down the laptop and lift his face.

Roli was sleeping like a bunch of flower in the bed.

Siddhant was mesmerized by her beauty.

Still Siddhant managed to think, She is not looking bad.  Anyway what bothers me whether she looks good or not.

In few minutes Siddhant slept sitting in the sofa itself.

Roli got up in few minutes to see the sleeping Siddhant.

Roli was thinking, why he is sleeping in sofa in sitting position.  Wont he get back pain & neck pain.  Shall I wake up him to sleep in the bed.  

Roli forward her hands towards him.

Then she was thinking, no i am not aware how he take if i wake him up.  Let him sleep as he wish.

Roli forward her steps towards the room door.

After few steps, roli again turned towards Siddhant and admired him for few minutes.

Roli face turned pink and smiled...

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