Missing eachother

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Roli at Village was thinking of Sid a lot.

Roli was waiting for the Call from Sid.

Babies were sleeping,  so she was finding difficult to move the time.

Finally Sid called Roli.

Sid: Roli.  How are you?

ROli: You think I will be fine without you.

SId: It was you who said you will stay there.  Otherwise I might have not let you stay there.  You know how I find difficult without you.

Roli: Yes.  I know.

SId: How are our cuties?

Roli: Both are very fine.  just sleeping.

SId: See they are sleeping without me.  But I am unable to sleep without you & babies.

Roli: Ok.  Talk to me until you get sleep

Sid: Which blue shade saree you are wearing today?

Roli: Blue shade saree.  How do you know?

SId: Already you wear blue shade saree for me.  That too when I am away, for sure you will wear blue color saree only right.

Roli: You are very right.  I am wearing light blue color saree today which is your most favorite.

Sid; I am only missing to see you.

Roli: Did you had food

SId: What food I will have myself.  I only had bread.

Roli: But in the morning also, you had bread only.

SId: I am feeling bored ROli, thats why just toast the bread & ate.  What can I cook for me alone.

ROli: But you need to take care of your health also right?  What if your health get spoiled without eating properly.  Tomorrow you please cook something and eat properly.  I will ask you.

Sid: As per your order madam.  

ROSID laughed.

Roli: I miss you daa.

Sid: I too miss you.. Shall I come there

Roli: Are you kidding, you only went 2 days back

Sid: Ok.  You come here then.

Roli: I too wish to come there.  But I am fearing about the climate now.  We are not experienced enough to handle the kids if they get sickness.  We dont know natural medicines which our elders gives.  Thats why.

Sid: You just try to consol me, But i can understand how much difficult it is for you without me

Roli: yes.  you are right.  Atleast you are going to office to spend time.  But think about me.  I am free the whole day and babies also taken care by others maximum.  When I am idle, the feeling of missing is more.

Sid: You had food.

Roli: Not yet.  Maaji is preparing lunch and I am yet to have.

Sid: After telling me to have food, dont ignore your health.  You need to be healthy that too to take care of both babies.

Roli: Well.  Will do.  Also others will not let me easily to stay without eating properly.

Sid: I am feeling alone dear.

Roli: You are feeling alone as you are staying alone.  But even after staying with all others, I too feel alone with out you.

Sid: I do understand.

Roli: I love you Siddhant

SId: I love you too Roli.

Roli: It is already getting late.  You wont sleep the whole night if we continue like this.  Better take rest as you need to go to office tomorrow.

Sid: Ok.  But I miss your morning kiss, evening kiss everything.  How you can be so merciless.

Roli: Wait for few more days.  I will pay with interest and penalty okay.

Rosid smiled.

Sneha got up and gave sound..

SId: Is the baby awake?

Roli: Just now your dear Sneha got up and smiling.  May be she understood her dad is on the call.

Sid: I feel like hearing her voice.

Roli: Wait i will keep near her.

Roli kept the phone near Sneha.

The baby smiled.

Sid was excited to hear his daughter's voice.

Roli: Are you happy now.

Sid: yes i am very happy.  With that happiness, can I get something from you too...

Roli kissed.

Sid: Oh.  Thank you.  This is enough for today.  WIll call you again tomorrow.  Bye.

Roli: Bye...

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