Time for playschool

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ROSID took admission for the kids in the play school.

Roli gave a morning kiss to Sid.

Roli: Good morning

Sid: Roli, GOod morning.

SId pulled her closer.

Roli: Today, babies joining play school and we need to get them ready for that.

Sid: So what Roli.

Roli: So, we will get up now and start the work for the day.

Roli tried to get up.

Sid was upset.

Roli went near Sid again.

Roli: Why my husband is getting upset now?

SId: nothing.  What can I do when my wife decided to get up now?  I cant deny my wife words.

Roli smiled.

Roli hug Sid & moved towards his lips.

After few minutes...

Roli: Shall we get up now.  Is my husband ok with it.

SId: of course with pleasure.

ROSID smiled.

They got up and rushed to start their daily routine.

Roli started cooking in the kitchen.

Roli: You please make the kids get up naa.  I will come finishing my kitchen works.

SId: Ok.

Sid went near the kids.

Sid: Sneh & Sneha, please get up.

Sneha: Good morning Dad.

SId: GOod morning cutie pie.  Get up we need to go to play school today right.

Sneha: Ok.

Sid: But your brother did not get up yet.

Sneha: What can we do now?

Sid: Now we both try to make him wake up.  Ok?

Sneha: Ok.

Sid: Sneh dear.  Please get up.

Sneh did not wake up.

Sid: Sneha its your turn now.  Try.

Sneha slowly touch sneh.

Sneha: Sneh, please get up.

Sneha slightly shake him so that he will get up.

Sneh slowly opened his eyes.

Sid: See, Sneha made Sneh get up.  Great.

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