Roli's dream

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Siddhant was in the evening party.

One of the girl with glass of hot drinks goes near to Sid.

She drink a sip & make Sid to have the next sip.

The girl forward her hands towards Sid. 

Sid too forward his hands and hold that girl's hands.

They both started dancing.

After sometime, the girl goes more near to Sid and kiss on his cheeks.

Sid smile.

That girl goes more closer to hold his face and move towards his lips...


Roli got up from bed with sweating all over her body.

Her heart beat increased.

Roli; What type of dream it is?

Roli drink some water to reduce her tension.

Roli lay down on the bed again & tried to sleep.

But she was not getting sleep.

ROli got up & called Sid.

Sid did not pick up call as he was busy in a meeting.

Sid switched off the phone thinking he can call Roli after returning home finishing the meeting.

Roli was trying his number continuously, but it was switched off.

Roli got tensed.

She was sitting the whole night without sleeping.

In the morning also ROli did not come down to have coffee or breakfast.

Sujatha: ROli are you not well.  Why you did not come down.

Roli: Nothing Maaji.  Just got no sleep last night & felt tired.

Sujatha: No problem ROli, take rest.  

Roli smiled

Roli was waiting for Sid's call.

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