Hide and seek

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SID opened the door and entered the hall.

Roli SMS to Sid.

Roli SMS: The dinner is in the dining table.  Please have food.  I will come.

Sid was thinking, Something happend to ROli, she never went outside this late and all.  Not even she is having dinner with me.  I am not going to talk to her.

Sid went to dining table where he saw his favorite dish and had it.

Even though it was tasty, Sid does not find it tasty without Roli.

After having food.

Sid SMS: ROli where are you, i finished my dinner also.

Roli SMS: Sorry I had food outside, so you please put the vessels for washing.  I am on the way.

Sid put the vessels in the dishwasher.

He put off the kitchen light and came to hall.

In the hall, he got surprised to see 'I LOVE YOU' with candles.

Sid was thinking, ROli was planning something.  Thats why she made me to go here & there.  She should be somewhere here only.

Sid; Roli.. Roli...

Roli SMS: Please come by the way candle shows you.

Sid looked at the candles. 

Candle was kept in line with little gap between it and it was moving towards the steps.

Sid followed the candle.

It went towards upstairs.

Sid went to upstairs.

Then it went towards a room.

Sid entered inside the room to see beautifully decorated room with red baloons, candles and other decorative items.

SId: ROli where are you?  

Roli SMS: I am inside this room only.  Please find me.

SId was searching for her all over the room.

Finally SId saw her beautiful legs shown below the curtains of the window.

Roli was standing behind the window curtains.

Sid went near the curtains as if he does not know where she is.

Suddenly he pulled her hands and made her come out.

Roli blushed.

Roli was in the blue color beautiful silk saree which she was wearing on her marriage night. 

Beautifully dressed up and was looking like fairy.

SId put her hands on his shoulders.

SId hold her hip and pulled her close towards him.

SId; Roli what all these?  you were playing with me.

ROli: who else will play with you other than me?

Sid: Where you went leaving me in the morning?

Roli: I went to purchase all these items & I thought of telling you to take leave.  But as you said yesterday, you got some important work, then decided to let you go to office.  If I stay at home in the morning, you may feel distracted thats why I went out.

SId: Where were you since evening?

Roli: I am here only.

Sid: You were here even when i came from office.  but your car was not there.

Roli: Yes I was here decorating the room.  I gave my car for service.

SId: WHy you said you are in the shopping mall?

Roli: because the decoration was not completed.  So i thought of diverting you to shopping complex.

Sid: So you were aware I will go to shopping complex 

Roli: yes.  wont i know about my husband.

SId: After i returned again, why you made me to take dinner myself and complete kitchen works.

Roli: I was getting myself ready at that time.  As I was not feeling hungry anyway.  I thought I can complete getting ready before you come from dinner.

SId: When you set all those candles.

Roli: I came down to keep those candles while you finished dinner.  Thats why to complete this work only I told you to complete kitchen works.

SId: you played big game with me till now & gave surprise

Roli: Surprise like this is not new for us like how you gave surprise during my birthday.

SId; Thats right.

Roli: Also you only said, if we get something after long waiting will be precious.

Roli looked at SId and smiled.

Sid: Oh.  Thats right.  You are anyway precious and if I get you after this much waiting the moment itself is precious.

Roli blushed and hug Sid tightly.

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