Not for good news alone

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ROSID called their village to talk to all.

They did not tell them yet that Roli is going to college.

After general enquiries.

Nirmala: What Roli, no call now a days from you in the weekdays.

ROli; Mataji, I used to be busy in the college in weekdays.  Thats why.

Nirmala: College!!!

Roli: Yes Mataji.  He told to complete my graduation & I joined in the college.

Nirmala: What is the necessity to go to college after marriage Roli?

Siddhant: Why Mataji?  WHy cant girls go to college after marriage?  Are they only meant for giving good news to you after marriage?

All including Roli was shocked & surprised by his words.

Nirmala: Siddhant, No i said what is she going to do now doing graduation.

Siddhant: Grand ma, Girls should be educated & well equipped for handling any situations.  They may not need to bring money for running the family.  But they should be capable enough to do that.  See did not you managed to run the family when Grand pa expired in your early age.  Now a days girls cant manage the family without proper education & without knowing to handle the situation.

Rajender & Sujatha was surprised in hearing all these.

Rajender; You are right Siddhant.  It is good that you are making her to study which I missed to do for my wife.

Siddhant: exactly dad.  Mom cant even go outside alone.  If you look at ROli, she goes any where taking the car freely.  She knows how to manage any situation.

Sujatha: Roli is driving car?

Siddhnat; Yes mom.  She drives car very well.  She only took me to hospital last week.

Nirmala: Hospital.  What happend to you.

Siddhant; Nothing to worry.  it was mild crack in the leg.  Now I am alright.

Nirmala: You are right Siddhant.  Happy that you think very forward for her.

Siddhant: Why not I think of my dear Roli.  SHe is my love, my life.

Siddhant for a second forgot he is in call with other family members.

Roli blushed 

All on the other side smiled on hearing this.

They wrapped up the call in few words.

Roli: You went romantic while on call.

Siddhant: Let it be on call or not, I will always be romantic for my wife..

Roli smiled.

Roli: I have seen different side of my husband today when you said are girls meant for giving good news.  

Sid: Nothing special Roli.  I said the truth.

Roli went near his ears.

Roli: I love you Siddhant.

Sid was sweet surprised to hear his name from Roli on her own.

Roli hug him in shyness.

Sid too forward his hands to hug her & smiled...

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