Successful Roli

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Roli was excited as she completed her task successfully.

 Roli's department people as well as their manager congratulated her.

Roli was given promotion & also assigned with new project.

Within very small duration, she completed the new task also successful.

 Sid was crossing roli department when the guy was talking to roli shaking her hands.

Sid got very upset.

Sid tried to console himself that it is common there.

Still he was unable to bear that.

When he returned that same way, he again turned towards roli.

Roli was standing near that guy desk & telling him something showing the system.  

Sid left that place.

Sid did not talk with roli while return home.

After reaching home, sid took the laptop and sat with that to work.

Roli: you know what happened today at office.

Sid: I got my own work to do.  Please don't disturb.

Roli got upset on his reply.

Roli noticed that he does not talk with her properly.

When she retuned from kitchen, sid was reading some book sitting in the bed.

Roli lean on his shoulder and kissed on his cheeks.

Sid: I am busy reading the book.  Don't disturb.

 Roli understood something is wrong.

Roli took the book from his hands & kept it in the side table.

Roli hold his hands.

Roli: tell me what is the problem.

Sid: I don't have any problem.

Roli: no.  Something is there.  Tell me.

Roli turned his face to look at her.

Sid: sorry roli I was unable to bear others touch you.  Now I realise why you felt bad when other lady touch me.

Roli: who touched me?  

Sid: I saw one guy was shaking hands with you & later you was showing something in the system.

Roli: you know not only that guy but all department staffs congratulated me as I finished the new project successfully.

Sid: you finished the new project!

 Roli: yes.  That guy was the last person to shake hand at last & you have seen it.  He was asking some doubt in his project, which I helped him.

Sid: I am sorry roli.

Roli: I want to tell you one thing.  I did my graduation because of you, I joined the job because of you.  If that become problem between us, I better resign the job itself.  It is not important for me than you.

Sid: I am very sorry dear.  Please don't resign job & make me feel guilty.

 Roli: these things shows how much we love each other.

Rosid smiled.

Sid forward his hands & pulled her towards him.

Rosid shared some beautiful moments together.

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