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Rosid went to temple by evening.

Roli remembered their childhood days where both were playing together.

Roli smiled.

Sid: roli why are you smiling?

Roli: I remembered the days in which we were playing together.

Sid: did you still remember all those.

Roli: yes of course. I never forgot to remember again.

Sid: can you tell me what all we did.

Roli took him to all the places where they used to play.

Roli was remembering each & everything.

She explained what all they did, how he used to tease her, how he used to pull her plait ...

Sid was wondering hearing all these.

After sometime they returned to their room.

Sid: sorry dear.

Roli: why are you telling sorry?

Sid: I can understand how evergreen our memories are for you. But I don't remember anything.

Roli: it is because I was here & remembering you always. But you went outside that's why.

Sid: roli give me some punishment for that. How can I forget my roli?

Roli: OK I will declare punishment to you.

Sid: tell me I am ready to accept.

Roli: you should not forget me in any future.

Sid smiled.

Sid: how can I forget my roli. I can't be without you any moment.

Roli: that is your punishment.

Sid: that is not my punishment. That is my reward.

Roli smiled.

Roli: this reward will be there with you always.

Sid: roli are you not forgetting something after coming here.

Roli remembered it is the evening kiss which she has not given as they went out.

Roli went near him while sujatha called to have dinner.

Rosid smiled.

Next day...

Rosid were walking near the field of the village.

Sid: roli shall we now like we played in childhood.

Roli: what are you saying?

Sid: yes I mean it. I want to play.

Roli: running & catching?

Sid: yes.

Roli in a minute..

Started running.

Roli: catch me if you can.

Sid: let me see how you escape from me.

Sid ran behind her.

After few minutes of running between the fields..

Roli stopped near the big tree.

Sid went near her and kept his hands in both her sides so that she can't run anymore.

Rosid were getting fast breathe due to running.

Their heart beat was very fast.

Sid went close to her.

Roli pushed him gently and moved towards the swing in that big tree.

Sid went behind her.

Roli: you know we used to sit in this swing for hours together.

Telling this she sat in the swing.

Sid too sat near her.

They stated moving that swing slowly.

Roli was very happy.

Roli lean on his shoulders and hold his hands.

Yes. They forgot the time & was in the swing for long time.

They heard laughing sound & turned.

Roli friends came there laughing at rosid.

Friend1: roli what is happening here. It seems you are remembering the childhood days.

Roli: yes I did.

Friend2: roli, it seems you both still interested in playing childhood games

They laughed again.

Roli introduced them to sid.

Roli: we all used to play together.

Sid: well I am happy to meet you all.

Sid forward his hands to shake hands.

Roli hold his hands.

Roli: this is not US. This is Indian village. Here you can't shake hands like this to other girls.

Sid: (in her ears) you feel jealous?

Roli: why not when my husband is very cute anyone will try to attract. I should be cautious right.

Roli smiled.

Friend1: what is this? Do you both remember we are here. What secret going on?

Roli: secret between us can't be revealed to you. Let's go.

Roli hold his hands & returned to their home.

Sid: roli why you cut them like that. What if they mistake you.

Roli: let them think anything how come you forward your hands to touch them

Roli pretend to be angry.

Sid: roli do you think I even think of anyone else other than you.

Sid hold her face & look into her eyes.

Roli: no. But still I can't bear even that because..

Sid: because..

Roli: I love my siddhant..

Sid : I love you too roli.

Rosid move towards each other..

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