Will give good news soon

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Roli this time does not find difficulty in putting seat belt in the flight or during Take off..

SId: Roli, if you are afraid you can hold my hands.

Telling this Sid smiled at Roli.

Roli: I will hold your hands, but not due to getting afraid.

Roli smiled & hold his hands and lean on his shoulders.

Roli: Why did you told all that we not yet entered into married life.  All were shocked & will start worrying about us.

Sid: Roli, it is better we told them.  Otherwise they will expect more and start thinking you got some problem.  Which I dont like.  I dont wish anyone think anything bad about my ROli.

Roli: I love you daa.

Sid: Oh.  What is this respect is diminishing day by day.  

ROli: Yes.  Like that only.  I will call you as per my wish when I am very happy about you.

Sid: Hmmm.  Well.  I am happy that you are very happy.  Nothing else is more important for me.

ROSID smiled looking at each other.

Roli hold his hands more tightly to show his rights on him

ROSID reach US.

Their routine life started.  Roli was going to college & Sid to office.

ROli was doing very well in the college.

Sid helped her to the maximum extend possible so that she can get good score.

The weekend were very special for them.

They spend the weekend with joy & excitement.

They travel to near by cities, entertainment places, for playing games etc...

The days were passing with love & care...

Roli got success in the exams with first mark.

She received certificates for that.

She was very much excited.

Roli showed Sid the certificate and her eyes were filled with tears of joy.

Roli hug Sid.

Roli: Without you this might have not been possible.

Sid: Nothing like that ROli.  It is your hardwork which gave you success.  I just helped you.

Roli smiled.

ROSID called their village and informed that Roli secured 1st mark.

All were very happy.

Everyone congradulated her.

Nirmala: Siddhant you proved what you said.  You made her a graduate.  We are very happy.

Sujatha: Yes. We are very happy Siddhant.  Roli was studious girl.  you gave her opportunity to prove herself.

All were very much excited.

They were having conversations for some more time.

Nirmala now a days dont tell anything about their babies after Sid told them that they have not yet started their married life.

Just before the phone conversation getting completed.

Sid: Mataji, dont worry.  We will give you the good news soon.

All were excited hearing this.  They understood that they have decided to start their married life.

The line was disconnected.

Not only the family members, but also ROli was surprised to hear.

Roli looked at his eyes and was unable to meet his eyes in shyness.

ROli blushed & hide her on his chest.

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