Party with jealousy

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ROSID went to hospital for 8th month Scan.  

ROSID were very happy to see the small babies moving its small hands & legs inside.

ROSID were very much excited.

Doctor informed that the growth of the baby is normal.

Being it is twins, Roli was finding difficult in having food, walking...

Sid supported her to the best possible to help ROli in handling the difficulty.

Sid took care of her health to utmost possible.

SId: ROli, stay at home if you find difficult in coming to office.

Roli: What can i do alone at home?  At least you will be there with me at office.

Sid: Ok.  But tell me if you find any difficulty.  Nothing is more than your health.

Roli smiled.

The project has taken its full form and it arrived its final completion stage.

ROSID were very happy.

MD decided to arrange some party for ROSID to appreciate their great work that too in short time.

He arranged for the party.

Doctor informed ROSID that the delivery can happen any moment.

They should be cautious and need to approch hospital when she starts getting pain.

Sid decided to take leave & stay with Roli until she deliver the babies as they also completed the project.

MD sanctioned their leave, but told both of them to attend the party which was arranged for them.

Sid was hesitating to go to party with ROli in this situation.

Sid: ROli, can you come to party because doctor said any moment you may get pain.

Roli: Let us go.  Otherwise MD will feel bad.  Anyway it is just for 2-3 hours and you will be there with me.

ROSID went to the party.

ROSID reached the party hall.

All gathered to congratulate ROSID for their work.

MD gave a nice speech on ROSID for their excellent work done in very small time.

Also MD specified about Roli specifically as she was not even much experienced like others, but still did a very good job.

MD gave reward to ROSID.

ROSID were very happy.

The party started & all were enjoying the party.

The staffs congratulated ROli in specific and also SId.

One of the friend of Sid went near Sid.

Friend: What Siddhant, it seems your wife taken the credit of the job completely.

Sid: Nothing like that.  It was our team effort.

Friend: Still you see, MD as well as other staffs were keen in appreciating her efforts more than you.  

SId: They appreciated as she did well eventhough she is less experienced.

Friend; Thats what I am also telling.  You were able to do the same level job even after this much experience.  

Sid even though deny, the Friend was not leaving Sid until Sid started getting that feeling himself.

Sid was looking at ROli what she is doing.

All the department staffs were appreciating her efforts a lot.

Roli was getting appreciation more than Sid.

Sid started feeling jealous.

He was unable to tolerate it and forgot the situation.

Sid took the car & started driving towards their home.

Roli in few minutes started getting pain and search for SId.

Sid was not visible anywhere around.

Roli started searching for him here & there.

Roli was unable to walk further.

Everyone were busy in the party and not noticed Roli in pain...

On the otherside Sid was travelling towards their home very fast in the car...

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