Surprise visit of family

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ROSID were sleeping in each other arms.

They heard calling bell sound.

ROSID got awake.

Sid: Good morning ROli.

Sid gave a kiss on her forehead.

Roli:  Good morning Dear.

Roli gave a kiss on his cheeks.

Roli: Dont we hear calling bell sound.

Sid: Yes.  I too got up in that sound only.  Who is coming in this time to our house.  Lets go & see.

ROSID went down.

They opened the door & was surprised to see Nirmala and both of their parents standing outside.

ROSID welcome all.

All were very happy to see Roli with big belly.

Nirmala hug her and kissed her on her forehead.

Sujatha & Gauri too hug her & kissed her.

ROSID were very happy to see all their family members.

Sid: You all planned to come here.  But not even told us.

Rajender: Why Siddhant?  When you both can give surprise to us.  Why cant we?

Nirmala: You both denied to come there.  SO we decided to celebrate her function coming here.

Sujatha: Yes Siddhant, how can we leave without doing the function when we all are here. 

ROSID took all their blessings.

Roli got up to prepare coffee for all.

Sujatha: We all will be here for next 10 days & we will take care of all the jobs.  

Sujatha told Roli to sit and went to kitchen to prepare coffee.

Sujatha herself was surprised to see well maintained house by ROli.

Roli lay down on Nirmala's lap.

Nirmala caresses her hair.

Sujatha returned with coffee tray.

All had coffee.

Sujatha; Roli, you are maintaining the house very well.  It is very beautiful than before.

Roli: Thanks Maaji.  

Sid: Mataji, so are you happy now seeing ROli.  See how I am taking care of her.

Nirmala: We are very happy.  

Sujatha: Siddhant, Roli need to tell us who is taking care of whom.

Roli: Maaji, really he is taking care of me very well.  He wont let me to do any job.  He is taking utmost care of me.

Nirmala: Are you taking the medicines properly.

Sid: medicine. There only the problem comes.  I need to compell her and put the medicine inside her mouth.  Otherwise she will not take it.  

Roli blushed.

All were having conversation happily.

Next day Sunday, they arranged for the function.

Gauri comb Roli's hair & put the plait after long time.

They made ROli to sit and put Chandan & Sindoor on Roli's face.

Sujatha & Gauri put glass bangles of different color on Roli's hands.

ROSID took blessings of elders.

Sujatha & Gauri prepared delicious food for all.

All were very happy together.

The 10 days went just like that together

The time has come for all to return to village.

Sujatha: Siddhant shall i wait here till her delivery.

Sid; No problem Maaji.  I will take care.  Now this climate will make you sick.  So it is better you all return India.

All waved bye to ROSID with wet eyes...

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