Waiting is over

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Roli blushed and hug Sid tightly.

Sid: Roli give me your phone.

Roli gave her phone to him.

Sid switched off both their phones.

Roli: WHy you switch off the phone?  What if someone try to contact us?

Sid: Roli no one should contact us till morning.  Thats why I switched off the phone.  What if Mataji come back with date after 3 more days.

Sid smiled looking at ROli.

Roli face turned pink.

Sid hold her face & kissed on her pinky cheeks, then forehead, then eyes, then nose.

Sid moved towards her lips.

After few minutes...

Roli pushed Sid gently and went near bed and sat in a corner.

Sid went behind her with a smile and sat beside her.

Sid hold her waist by his right hand from behind.

ROli lean over his shoulders.

Sid caresses her left hand from shoulders to fingers.

Sid admired her beautiful hand with glass bangles.

Sid removed the glass bangles and intertwin the hand.

Sid took her hand near his face and kissed.

Then he removed the bangles from her right hand.

He took her hand and kissed.

Sid went near her face.

Sid removed her ear rings and kissed on her beautiful ears.

Then slowly removed the necklace from her neck.

Sid kissed all over her neck.

Roli closed her eyes slowly.

Sid removed the pin from her saree while roli slightly push him and moved from there.

Sid hold the tip of saree.

ROli was unable to move anymore.

SId went near her and dropped the saree on the floor.

Roli hide herself on his shoulders and hug him tightly.

Sid took her on his arms and put her on the bed.

Sid lay down beside her.

Sid caresses her face gently and moved towards his neck, then slowly moved down while ROli hold his hands in shyness.

Roli push him gently and turned against him.

Sid caresses her back and neck and went near her ears.

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