Weekend trip

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Sid was returning from office.

Sid: Who is that hugging & kissing my wife?

Sneh: It is Sneh hugging & kissing my mother.

Sid: Is it?  

Sneha rushed towards Sid seeing him.

Sid bend down to welcome Sneha.

Sneha hug Sid and kissed on his cheeks.

Roli: Who is that with my husband?

Sneha: It is Sneha with my Father.

ROSID & the kids smiled.

Sid: Sneh is always your favorite.

ROli: Sneha too is your favorite.  You know she never listen to my words.  Whereas she never denies if you tell her something.

SId: Because Sneha is my cutie pie.  Thats why.

Sneh: Dad, Am i not your cutie pie.

Sid took Sneh on his hands.

Sid: Sneh not like that.  You are also my cutie pie only.  But as you are always attached to your mom, Sneha attached to her dad.  Thats all.

Roli: Play with the kids, I will bring coffee for you.

Sneh & Sneha started playing with Sid.

Sid: This weekend tell me where we are going.

Sneh: Where dad?

Sid: We are going to children show.

Sneha: Children Show!!!

Sid: yes.  There you both will get lots of entertainment 

Sneh: yaa...

Roli came there with the coffee.

Roli: What is the discussion going on? Where you all planning to go?

Sneh: Mom, Dad is going to take us to children show this weekend.

Roli: Oh good.

2 Years old Sneh & Sneha were excited for the weekend outing.

They went to play together.

Sid: ROli, how happy we feel to see them playing together.  It is good to have twins so that they have their partner to play with.

Roli: You are right, Initial days it was difficult for me to handle both of them.  But now after little grown, it is easy for me handle them as they both manage among themselves.

Sid: Then MD informed me to tell you that he is happy on your dedication you are showing even after working from home.  

Roli: Convey my thanks to him.  As such I am not doing much now as I spend some time with Sneh & Sneha.  Only when they play together or sleep, I am able to sit in the laptop.  

Sid: It is only for few days.  Then they will go to school.  You will get more free time.

Roli: You are right, after 6 months, we can put them in play school.  THen I will come to office itself to work.  Now they are grown and we are not in need to worry much.

Sid smiled.

Sid: Roli, I will be happy if you start coming to office again.

Roli: I am also waiting for that.  So that I can disturb you even in the day time.

Roli smiled.

All were eagerly waiting for the weekend to spend the time together in children show...

The weekend has come...

Rosid & kids went to the children show and enjoyed a lot.

They had the dinner outside.

ROSID returned home.

Babies slept.

ROli: The babies enjoyed a lot today.

Sid: You are right.  Thats why i planned this weekend to go there.

Roli: Babies weekend trip gone.  THen what about our weekend plan.

Sid: Roli, our weekend plan starts now.

SId took Roli in his arms.

Roli blushed.

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