Wait for 3 more days

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Roli blushed & hide her on his chest.

SId: Roli, sorry i have not consulted you before telling them.

Roli: There is no need for any consulation or permission for you to own your wife.

SId lift her face and looked into her eyes.

Sid hold her face and kissed on her forehead,

Then moved towards her eyes, then nose, then cheeks,

then moved towards her lips...

after few minutes...

Roli face turned pink and she kept her face on his lap.

Sid caresses her hair.

Sid turn her towards him holding her shoulders.

Sid caresses her face gently.

Roli blushed.

Sid: ROli, you looks beautiful with your pinky cheeks.

Roli got up.

Roli: Lets have dinner.

Roli rushed towards kitchen and served the food in the plates.

Sid went behind her with a smile.

Sid sat down to eat but his eyes were starring at Roli.

Roli was unable to lift her face to look at him.

Sid feed the food to Roli.

Roli too feed the food to Sid.

ROSID finished their dinner.

After washing their hands, Sid pulled her towards him.

ROli: Let me put the vessels in the dish washer.

Sid: Come quick.  I am waiting for you.

Sid wink his eyes and smiled.

Roli blushed.

ROli nod her head as acceptance.

Roli finished cleaning the dining table & put the vessels into dish washer for washing.

She completed the kitchen works and came out.

Sid was looking at TV.

Roli went near wardrobe and took the night dress.

Sid came behind her and back hug her tightly.

Roli: Please wait for some more time.  I will take bath and come.

SId: Oh ROli,  How long you will keep me waiting?

ROli: Please.. Please.. few more minutes.  

Roli rushed towards bathroom and took bath.

Roli came out in the pink color night dress.

SHe was looking beautiful.

Sid was sitting on the bed reading some book.

Roli went near Sid and sat beside him.

Roli lean towards his shoulders.

Sid wrap his hands around ROli's shoulders and pulled her more closer.

Roli wrap her hands around Sid's waist.

Both were getting closer while phone call received.

ROSID got disturbed by the call.

Roli's mobile was ringing.

ROli looked into her cell who is calling this time.

Roli; Call from home.  

Sid: We just talked to them few minutes before.

Roli: let me see.

Roli swich on the call.

ROli: Yes tell me.

Nirmala: Roli, We are all happy about what Siddhant said.  We understood that you both have decided to start your married life.

Rosid looked at each other and smiled.

Nirmala: But ROli, sorry to say

ROSID were wondering what she is trying to say.

Nirmala: the day from today i.e. Tue to next 3 days are not good.  Can you wait for 3 days as Friday is auspicious day.  ROli hope you can understand the life should start in an auspicious day.  For that reason only Marriage is arranged in an Auspicious day.  Now you people have been waiting for these many years together.  Now please wait for 3 days more for us.

ROli: Ok Mataji.  We will for you all.

Phone was disconnected.

Sid: Roli why you said we will wait for 3 days.  What is auspicious day going to do?

Roli: Not like that.  We need to respect the elders belief also.  Like mataji said, we have been waiting for so many days, months & years.  Then why not for 3 more days.  

Sid: Are you kidding?  Yes we did wait for so many years.  But waiting now after deciding is very difficult Roli.

Roli: Please... Please..  You are my sweet heart right.. only 3 days.

Roli pleaded SId while SId looked at ROli with exclamation...

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