Insecurity of Roli

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Roli was busy in the kitchen while SID was busy in the laptop sending mails.

Sneh started crying.

ROli: Why sneh is crying Dear?

Sid: Roli, how do i know?  I am busy in some office work.

Roli: But I am busy in the kitchen Dear.  Look at him naa.

Sid: Oh Roli.  How can I do my work if you disturb me like this?

ROli: I am not disturbing you.  What can I do if baby is crying?

Sid: Oh ROli, instead of arguing with you, I better look at the baby.

Sid went near Sneh & took him on his hands.

Sid: Oh Sneh baby!  what happend to you?  why are you crying?

Sid tried in multiple ways to calm down the baby.

But he was unable to.

Roli was laughing from kitchen seeing Sid in tension with the baby.

Roli switched off the gas and made the food ready for Sneh.

ROli bring the food and came near Sid.

Sid: ROli, our Sneh is similar like you.  He is very adament.  See he does not stop crying even after I try this much.

Roli took the baby from Sid.

Roli started feeding baby the food.

Sneh slowly stopped crying and started eating the food.

ROli: Now how the kid stopped crying?

Sid: You gave food.  Thats why.

Roli: So it is your mistake.  You were unable to understand it is crying because he was hungry.  But instead you are telling the baby is adament.  That too like me.

Sid: Sorry.  Sorry..

Roli: So you in your mind thinking that I am adament right?

Sid: Oh ROli.  I was just kidding.

Roli: Even for kidding, how can you tell me that I am adament.  What did I do like that?

Sid: Roli, I got urgent work.  I dont have time now to fight with you.

Roli: Oh it has become time waste to even talk to me.  

SId: Not like that

Roli: Then what it is like.  Earlier you used to feel everything good whatever i do.  But now you are telling I am adament.  you dont have time for me.

SId: Oh Roli.  What can I do if you pick up each & every word and start fighting.

Roli: So now it has become problem for you even if I talk right.  Its ok.  I will not talk to you.

SId was trying to console her for very long time which was of no use.

Roli feed the baby fully & the baby slept.

ROli took the food bowl & went to kitchen.

Sid went behind ROli.

Sid hold her hands and pulled her towards him.

SId hug Roli.

SId: ROli, tell me what is your problem now.  

Roli: Nothing

Sid: Then why are you tensed like this for nothing

Roli: I dont know.  I feel insecure now a days.

SId: Do you feel i am spending less time with you & not giving importance to you something like that?

Roli eyes were filled with tears and hide her face on Sid's shoulders.

ROli hug sid.

SId: Roli, I am very sorry.  I was busy in the office works recent days.  But that does not mean, I ignore you right.  

Roli: Do you love me?

SId: Do you have any doubt on that.  You are my love & you are my life.

Roli kissed on his cheeks.  Roli moved towards his lips.

After few minutes...

Roli: I am very sorry to fight with you.

SId: It is ok if we fight to get such sweet hug & kisses from my ROli.

Roli blused & Sid smiled.

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