Let's settle at village

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ROSID spend the two weeks time in India and all were very happy.

The time has come to return to US.

All family members waved bye will eyes full of tears

ROSID & Kids reached US.

Sneh & Sneha started going to school.

ROSID were going to office as usual.

The days were passing.

Sneh & Sneha were growing.

Simultaneously ROSID too reached new heights in the office.

MD honoured their work with special posts and pay.

ROSID took care that Sneh & Sneha dont forget their traditions too.

In the festival days, ROSID as well as Sneh & Sneha wear traditional dress only.

They goes to temple whenever possible.

ROSID with their children goes to village every holidays so that  Sneh & Sneha too spend with their grand parents as well as their family can spend with them.

The days were passing.  ROSID were getting older and Sneh & Sneha grown up.

ROSID selected twins for Sneh & Sneha to get married who were also residing in US and similar to their family.

The marriage happend in grand manner will all elders blessings in India.

ROSID return back to US to settle the house of Sneh & Sneha.

Once everything was set in their children life...

ROli: Shall I ask you one thing.

Sid: Roli, I know what you wish to ask.

Roli: you know, then tell me.

Sid: You want to return to India right?

ROli: Yes.  exactly.  Now its time for us to return to India and spend our life happily in our village.

Sid: I do agree with you.  We will return to India.

ROSID told their wish to Sneh & Sneha.

They were very upset.

Sneh: Why mom?  why you decide to leave us here & go?

Sneha; WHy dad?  You want us to be alone here.

Roli:  No dear.  Not like that.  You both got settle in your life.  Now it is time for us to lead a peaceful life with your grand parents on their old age.  

Sid: Yes.  MOm is correct.  We need to take care of our parents now in their more older age.  You both can lead your life on your own.  Moreover we get bored all the day at home in this retired life.  Let us go to our village & lead a peaceful life.

Roli:  Like how we used to go to village to see your grand parents. You both need to come to meet us every year with your kids.  Ok.  We will be waiting for you all the whole year for those days.

Sneh & Sneha eyes were filled with tears.

ROSID packed their bags and started their journey return to India.

ROSID sat in the flight.

Roli hold Sid's hands tight & lean on his shoulders.

ROSID closed their eyes and remembered their beautiful journey since they started their journey to US after marriage.

ROSID were excited to remember their beautiful life together.

ROSID onboard flight to start their newly married life when they first travelled in the flight after getting married.

Now, ROSID onboard on the flight after much satisfaction on leading such wonderful life together.

ROSID reached the village to lead their remaining life happily in the village..

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