Fish bite my finger

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Early morning

Siddhant was searching for roli.

Sid: mom where is roli. 

Sujatha: she went to take bath in the pond which is behind our house.

Sid: to take bath in pond. That too alone in this darkness.

Sujatha: don't worry. It is behind our house only & also she is used to it. She went in darkness so that other gents don't see her while taking bath 

Sid: OK.

Sid went near the pond.

Roli was swimming like a fish in the pond with excitement.

Sid was starring at her

Sid was attracted by roli's beauty inside the water.

Sid decided to play with roli.

Sid jumped into the water when roli was swimming on the other side.

Roli heard some sound & turned to see what is

But sid hide himself going inside the water.

Roli continued swimming.

After few mins..

Roli was feeling as if someone is pulling her legs.

She got afraid.

Roli: who is that?

Roli tried her best to release her leg.

She was unable to escape as the hold was very tight.

Roli: who is that? How dare you can hold my legs? If you don't come out & reveal, I will be in need to shout & call everyone. You will be punished severely for doing this.

No response.

Roli open her mouth to shout while sid came out and closed her mouth from shouting.

Sid was behind so she was unable to see him.

Roli tried to escape again, but no use.

Roli gave a bite on his hands 

Sid: ahhh.

Sid took his hands from roli mouth.

Roli: it was you. Why you do all these?

Sid was having severe pain on her bite.

Roli: show me your hands.

Roli hold his hands & saw her teeth impression in his hands.

Sid:roli I am OK.

Roli: what OK. See how you got hurt. Why did you do that?

Sid: i thought of seeing what you will do if someone attack you like this. Not bad. You managed.

Roli: this is all play for you, 

Sid went close to her.

Sid: only I can play with you. Who else can play with you. Also will you allow me to play with your friends. You don't even allow to shake hands with them.

Roli blushed.

Roli: let's go. You need to apply medicine on your hands.

Sid: medicine we will put as you said. But only a bite from you for me after taking risk to come near you.

Sid pulled her near him.

Sid went near her...

Rosid returned to their room & changed their wet dress.

Roli hold his hands & caresses it gently.

Roli: I am sorry, I hurt you.

Roli eyes were filled with tears & hug him.

Sid: why do you cry? I am OK. It is not your mistake.

Sid console her.

Rosid went down to have breakfast

Sid tried to take the food to eat.

Roli felt how he can eat on his own with the injured hands.

Roli: wait I will feed you.

Roli started feeding him.

All were surprised.

Sujatha: what happened roli?

Roli: maaji he got injury on his hands that's why.

Nirmala; how he got injured?

Sid: mataji, I got hurt as a fish bite me 

Roli blushed.

Rajender: fish bite you? What are you telling sid?

Sid: yes it is a beautiful fish. Infact beautiful mermaid.

Sid smiled looking at roli.

All understood he is talking about roli.

All smiled.

Nirmala: oh. Is it. So the fish bite you as well as come to feed you food.

Rosid understood they all clear that it is roli only.

Roli blushed & looked down in shyness.

The trip of rosid to India which was for a week went with fun & excitement. Also all family members also happy on spending time with them.

The time has come to return.

All eyes were filled with tears.

Nirmala was unable to hold her from telling that.

Nirmala: roli, he may not understand our wish. But hope you will understand. I wish to see your kids before something happens to me. It is already 1 year since you married. At least consult doctor.

Roli was feeling odd what to tell.

Roli looked at sid.

Sid: mataji, no need for consulting any doctor. One need to go to doctor only if they have problem. But what will doctor do, if we ourselves not entered into married life yet.

All were shocked.

Nirmala: what are you telling?

Sid: I am telling the truth. Sorry roli. You don't like to disclose our personal things outside the room. In the meantime I can't bear all thinking you have got some problem.

Sujatha: what all this? You both love each other right? It is already one year.

Sid: yes we do love each other. But you all need to wait till we get ready to give you good news.

All were shocked while rosid started their journey to US. 

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