Restless Sid

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Nirmala gave the new dresses to ROSID which she purchased for their wedding anniversary.

It was new silk saree & new silk dhoti.

ROSID went back to their room and came back in those new dresses.

ROSID sat for having lunch.

All both of their favorite dishes were prepared by Sujatha & Gauri.

Nirmala served all the food on her own to both Roli & Siddhant.

First Siddhant took the sweet and forward his hands towards ROli.

Roli ate the sweet.

Roli too forward her hands with the sweet towards Sid.

Sid had it.

All were surprised to see all this.

Nirmala: Siddhant are we seeing the same person who was hesitating to eat the sweet from Roli's plate before 1 year.

All smiled while ROSID blushed.

After finishing lunch and went to wash their hands.

Roli washed her hands first & pour the water in his hands to help him in washing hands.

Roli gave the towel to dry his hands while Sid took the tip of her saree & dried his hands.

Sid wink his eyes while ROli blushed.

Gauri & Sujatha hold roli in the hall while Sid went to his room.

Sid was looking at ROli through the window and admiring her.

Gauri & Sujatha was asking her array of questions on how she is managing, how she is doing purchases, shopping, college etc...

After few minutes, Sid lost his patience.

Sid took the very small stone which was in the window and throw it on Roli.

It hit her back near the near the blouse line.

Roli turned to see & found it is none other than Sid from the window.

Sid was calling her to their room.

Roli was wondering how she can go when Gauri & Sujatha was talking to her.

She was replying to their questions while she was also turning towards Sid often.

Sujatha noticed this  and looked at the window where Sid was calling her.

Sujatha smiled.

Sujatha: Roli, you may feel tired coming all the way travelling.  Go & take rest.  We will talk later.

Roli smiled and just rushed towards their room as if waiting for Sujatha to tell this.

Roli locked the room and went near Sid.

Roli: You have become very naughty.  Why are you calling me while I am talking to them?

Sid: You ladies talk will never end.  How long I can wait for you admiring you from here?

Roli: So you were looking at me since long?

Sid: Not only today.  Even during our marriage when you go down I used to look at you from here only.

Roli: Oh these many you were doing unknown to me.

Sid: What to do when I was unable to control myself looking at my darling.

Roli blushed & Sid smiled..

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