Back to work

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Roli was playing with the kids while Sid return from office.

Now the kids started moving around.

Sid changed his dress and joined with ROli to play with kids.

Sid; Roli, i got some news for you.

Roli; What it is?

Sid: MD called me today to his cabin.

ROli; For what?

SId: The current project is ending this week.  Now he is planning to start the next new project.  He wants you too join with me in that new project.

Roli: Myself joining job for new project.  Are you kidding?

Sid: what is there in kidding dear?  I am telling what he said.  Are you still angry with me on delivery date incident that you are denying this offer now.

Roli: Not at all.  I forgot that very long back on that day itself when you realised your mistake.

Sid: Then what ROli?

Roli: I need to take care of kids.  You see they are very small & they need my caring now.

Sid: But all ladies here leave the baby in the day care & go for job.

ROli: But we are not used to such things.  We personally take care of children.  That is why, they get more affectionated to their parents.  Also the kids know the value of affection.

Sid: All are right.  Then what can i tell him.

Roli: You tell him the fact that I need to take care of the kids which is priorty for us.

Sid: Ok.  As you wish.

ROSID continued playing with the kids.

The next day, Sid informed their MD.

Sid: SIr.  Sorry.  Roli denied to join again as she need to take care of the kid.

MD; But she can even put the babies in day care.

Sid: I told her, but her priority is kids.  So i was not successful in convincing her.

MD: Well. Then I will give another option.  You ask her.

MD told SID his option.

That day evening.

Sid: Roli, I told your decision to MD.

Roli: Well.  What did he said.  Does he understood why I am denying.

Sid: Yes.  he understood, but in the meantime, he does not want to leave you also.

Roli: Means?

Sid: He is approving for you to work from home.  You can work from home when finding time taking care of kids as well.

Roli: Are you kidding?

Sid: No Roli.  He told me to help in doing that.  But anyway he wants us to work together in the new project as the last project of ours came out very successful.

Roli: Leave MD wish.  What do you think & wish is more important for me.

Sid: I too wish to work together with you.

Roli: If that is the case, I am ready.

Sid: Thank you.

Roli: Thanks for what.

Sid: Eventhough you said you forgot my mistake, when you denied to work with me yesterday, i got some guilty feeling.  But now as you accepted to work with me, i am feeling ok now.

ROli smiled and lean towards his shoulders..

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