Roli is ill

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The climate was very cold.  Snow fall was happening.

One day morning,

Siddhant: Roli, I am waiting for your good morning kiss.  

Roli did not reply to Siddhant.

Siddhant used to open his eyes only after getting good morning kiss from Roli.  Today he is wondering what happend to Roli.

Siddhant slowly opened his eyes & turned towards Roli.  

Roli was sleeping inside the blanket.

Siddhant was thinking, what happend to her.  She always wake up first.

Siddhant went near Roli.

Siddhant: Roli...

No reply from her.

Siddhant got tensed & hold her shoulder and turned her towards him.

While holding her shoulder, Sid understood that her body was very hot.

Sid: ROli.. ROli... Open your eyes.

Sid tried to wake her up.  Her body was very hot.

Sid rushed to take appointment with the doctor

Sid took her in his arms & put her inside the car.

Sid rushed towards hospital.

Doctor examined her

Doctor: Nothing to worry.  SHe got fever due to climatical changes.  

Doctor prescribed some tables to be taken for 3 more days.

Sid informed leave to his office.

Sid was unable to bear seeing Roli like this.

Sid gave bread to her and the tablet where she was almost not in full consciousness.

Sid put her on his lap & caresses her hair.

Sid eyes were wet.

Sid: Roli,  Get well soon dear.  

After 2 dosages of tablets, slowly Roli opened her eyes.

Roli smiled at Sid.

Sid: Roli, are you ok now.

Roli nod her head.

Sid felt a great relief.

Sid pulled her towards him and hug her.

Tears came out of his eyes and dropped on Roli's shoulders.

Roli looked at his face & wiped off his tears.

Roli: what is this?  i never seen my husband crying like this.

Sid: I too have never seen my ROli like this.  You know how much i was afraid seeing you.

Sid hug her again & kissed on her forehead.

Sid was taking care of all the household works.

Sid feed food to roli.

Sid: roli now take these tablets

Roli: please I don't want tablets.  I never take it.  I only take syrup prepared at home.

Sid: OK I will ask them & prepare that for you.  Now you take these tablets.

 Roli: no please...

Sid: you are good girl. 

Roli: hmmm.

Sid: now open your mouth.  I will put the tablet inside.  Then drink water.

Roli can't deny his words.

Roli opened her mouth while sid put the tablet & gave water.

Siddhant was taking care of ROli like a child.

Sid was holding her on his lap, shoulders & chest the whole day & night.

With his great care, Roli slowly become normal.

Siddhant was very happy to see Roli back to normal health.

Sid: Roli, I am very happy now.  My roli is back.

Roli: Why not when my dear husband took care of me.

Sid smiled.

Sid pulled her towards him and looked into her eyes.

Sid: Roli, so 3 days pending is there of Good morning kiss, Good evening kiss.  My cheeks & lips are waiting for you.

Roli blushed.

ROli moved towards him ,,,,

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