Where is Roli???

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ROSID were not getting sleep.

They were lay down on the bed facing against each other.

Sid was very angry on Mataji, but also he cant deny Roli when she plead him.

Sid was thinking, Mataji I was not suppose to tell you only.  We tried to make you happy, but you have hold our happiness.  This Roli too wont deny their words and of course I cant deny roli's words.

ROli was thinking, sorry dear.  our elders are telling for our goodness and so I am keeping you waiting.  I am very sorry.

ROSID turned towards each other.

ROSID were looking at each other for sometime.

SId forward his hands towards her.

Roli hold his hands.

ROli: I am sorry.  

Sid: Shall I sleep on your lap.

Roli got up.

Sid lay down on her lap.

Roli caresses his hair.

Sid slept on her lap.

Roli gave the morning kiss as usual to Sid.

Sid opened his eyes.

Sid: Good morning Dear.  Oh Sorry I slept on your lap the whole night.  

ROli: No need for sorry.  Its ok.  

Roli went to take bath and came back washing her hair.

Roli started drying her hair standing near the mirror.

Sid was working in the laptop and seeing ROli he started starring at her.

Sid: Roli, please come here & see.

Roli went near Sid .

Roli: Yes tell me.

Sid pulled her hands and made her sit on his lap.

Sid caresses her wet hair.

Then caresses her face, then neck

When he moved his hands down, ROli hold his hands.

Roli nod her head as 'No' and went away from him.

The 3 days has become a difficult phase for ROSID...

And finally the Friday has arrived...


Roli got up and gave a good morning kiss to Sid.

Sid was still sleeping.

Roli went to kitchen & prepared the breakfast very fast.

Sid got up and went near ROli.

Roli: Please take bath and get ready for office.  Already you are late now.

Sid: But Roli you remember today is..

ROli: We will talk everything later.  You are getting late.  Get ready soon.

Sid: I will take leave today.

Roli: But you said there is important work which need to be done today.  

Sid: I will do that tomorrow.

Sid came near her while ROli moved from there.

Roli: How can you do that tomorrow.  Tomorrow is off due to weekend.  So like a good boy start to office.

Sid: Oh ROli,

Roli: Please Please  I got some work today.  So I am keeping the breakfast in the table & going out.  You have breakfast and start to office.

Telling this ROli rushed to take her handbag, took the car and went out somewhere.

SId: Oh ROli, what happend to you.  You cant even wait till I go to office.  Atleast I might have shared some kisses with you.  you too naa.  what urgent work you got.

SId started to office..

Sid was wondering, what happend to ROli. Did she fotgot today is Friday.  Why she left the home like that in the morning leaving me.

Later Sid was held up in the office work.


Sid returned home with excitement.

But Sid saw the locked door and ROli & the car both were missing.

Sid was thinking where is this Roli, she went in the morning, is she still not yet come home.

Sid called ROli

Sid: Roli where are you.

Roli: I am in the shopping complex.  I have come here to purchase some vegetables.

Sid: Roli, we can even go tomorrow for purchase. 

Roli: Sorry.  I will come in few minutes.

Roli disconnected the phone.

Sid was thinking, Roli you cant make me waiting anymore.  Let me come there & see.

Sid took his car & went to the shopping complex.

ROli was not there.

Sid was thinking, where is this Roli?  She is not here also.

Sid returned home with confusion...

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