Sneha is ill

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It was snow season.

The climate was very cool.

Roli: I am worried.

Sid: What happend Roli?  Why are you worried?

Roli: Sneha got cold due to this climate.  Thats why.

Sid: Roli, you know it is common due to the climate.  Dont worry.  She will be alright.

Roli:  Still, my mind is disturbed.

Sid: Oh my ROli's mind is disturbed.  Your siddhant is here to cure your disturbance.

Sid hug ROli and went near her.

Roli blushed.

After few minutes...

ROSID were about to sleep in their room.

ROSID heard Sneh crying.

They got up immediately and rushed towards the kids room.

Sneh was crying seeing Sneha.

Roli: What happend Sneh?  Why are you crying.

Sneh: Mom, Sneha seems to be unwell.

Sid checked Sneha touching her.

Yes.  Sneha body was very hot.

Sid: ROli, Sneha got fever.

Roli: Lets us take her to doctor.

ROSID with the kids rushed to the hospital.

Sneha was treated by the doctor.

Doctor gave her the medicine.

Doctor informed it is due to climatic reason only & nothing to worry.

ROSID returned home.

Sid gave the tablet to Sneha and put him on his lap.

Sneha was sleeping on Sid's lap.

Sneh was afraid on seeing Sneha unwell.

Roli made Sneh to sleep on her lap.

SId: ROli, Now I remember the same condition you were when you were unwell.  You were speechless like Sneha in my lap.  You know how much I was worried for you. Atleast now we both are there to take care of kids.  At that time, you were not well and I alone.  It was horrible night for me till you open your eyes.

ROli: Yes.  I do remember.  I know how much you took care of me till I recover.

Sid: Put Sneh on the bed.  I think he slept.

Roli slowly put Sneh on his bed.

Roli came near Sneha.

Roli checked whether fever is reduced now.

Due to the medicine, her fever was under control

Roli got tears filled on her eyes.

Sid: ROli, why are you crying?  Nothing will happen to her.

Roli: Still we never saw our kids like this.  So I am unable to console myself.

SId: I do understand Roli.  

Roli lean on his shoulder and cried.

Next day Sneha slowly opened her eyes and smiled.

ROSID were very happy on Sneha become alright.

Roli: Sneha are you ok now.

Sneha: yes mom.

Sid hug Sneha and kissed on her cheeks.

Sid: Sneha Darling,  My cutie pie.

Sneha too kissed on his cheeks.

Sneh slowly got awake.

Sneh was happy on seeing Sneha smiling.

Sneh: Sneha are you ok now

Sneha: Yes. Sneh.

Sneh went near Sneha and kissed on her cheeks.

ROSID were very happy to see the affection between the siblings.

Sneha become alright in 2 days.

ROSID & Kids went to temple that weekend to thank god for getting Sneha cured from illness.

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