Sid get injured

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It was a weekend, Siddhant went out to play outdoor games with his friends while Roli was preparing lunch for them.

Roli heard the car horn sound & rushed towards the door.

On opening the door Roli was shocked to see some of Sid's friend holding him and Sid coming with a bandage in his right leg.

Sid's friend left him in his house & left the place.

Roli was shocked.

Roli: What happend to you?  What is this bandage in the leg?

Sid: Roli, nothing to worry.  I fall down while playing and got mild crack in the legs.  Nothing serious.

Roli: What did doctor said?  

SId: As it is very mild crack this bandage is enough.  But need to take rest for 10 days so that the crack will set right.

ROli sat down near his legs and caresses his legs.

Roli: Is it paining?

Sid: Yes.  Little pain is there.  

The tears started coming out of ROli'e eyes

Sid: ROli why are you crying, i am alright dear.  Nothing major.

Sid hold her shoulder & made her sit beside him.

Roli: Still why this has happend to you.  I will pray to god to share your pain with me.

Sid: WHy have you become so cruel dear?

Roli: why are you telling so?

Sid: Dont you know, my pain is yours & yours is mine.  Now I am injured & the pain is felt by you.  But if i share my pain with you.  the pain will be felt by me.  Do you want me to feel the pain or you are ready to feel my pain.

Roli was speechless.

Roli hug Sid & started crying...

ROli took atmost care of Siddhant.  

Roli never let his leg rest in the floor.

ROli went next to him so that he can hold her shoulder and put the pressure on her instead of putting pressure on his right leg.

Roli was acting like his right leg.

Roli took care that Sid dont walk unless required.

She feed the food by herself to him.

As Sid said, the injury was only in SId's leg, but he pain was felt by ROli only more than Sid.

Roli took Sid slowly to Car and went to hospital for checking whether the leg is set.

Doctor examined.

Doctor: The crack is well set.  Its good. Now no need to worry.  Take care to not get hit in the same place again very quick.  Otherwise you can proceed normal.

Roli was very happy on hearing this more than Sid.

Sid: Roli, let me drive now.  Doctor already said i am normal.

Roli: why?  wont you have confidence on my driving?  no need to take strain.  I will take care today.  Also inform for leave to office for 1 more week.

Sid: One more week.

Roli: yes. one more week.  

Sid: but why.  I am alright roli.

ROli: Do you think I told you to take leave to give rest to your legs.

Sid: Then?

Roli: That is there.  But i need to get back 10 days due from you without which I cant let you go to office.

ROli blushed & started the car.

Sid smiled...

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