Surprise Marriage arrangements

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Rajender informed Nirmala that they are coming the next week.

Nirmala was very much excited on her son's family arrival.

Roli who came to see Nirmala was surprised to see happiness in her face.

Roli: Grand ma, what happend you are very much excited.

Nirmala: Roli, if I tell you what it is you too will be excited.

Roli: What it is?

Nirmala, Rajender is coming to India with his family.

Roli was unable to believe her ears what it is hearing.

She too was excited to see Siddhant after almost 12 years.

Roli face turned pink & her eyes faced down in shyness.

Nirmala: Roli, how many days passed seeing them.  After hearing their arrival news, I am unable to wait even for a day. I dont know how I am going to handle for a week.

Roli ran away from there into her room.

Roli lay down in her bed and hug her pillow tightly.

Roli was thinking, how many days passed seeing you.  You have kept me waiting these many days for you.  Not even tried to talk to me over phone.  

Roli was eagerly counting the days, the hours, the minutes & even the seconds.

Nirmala decided to arrange for Siddhant & Roli's marriage during their visit this time.

Nirmala called pandit & asked for marriage date.

Pandit gave the date on the next day of their arrival.

Gauri: Maaji how can we arrange without even telling them.

Nirmala: Gauri what is there is asking them.  They are already engaged & anyway marriage arrangement we are going to take care.  We are not aware for how many days they will stay.  It will be better to complete their marriage.  Roli is also in correct age of marriage now.  Otherwise we cant answer the village people.

Gauri accepted what Nirmala said.

Nirmala arranged for the marriage very fast.

They printed the invitations & distributed to all their relatives, friends & village people.

Jewels were ordered & made by Nirmala.

Nirmala called the saree sales man to their house & selected sarees for the marriage.

Roli selected saree in Blue color which was Siddhant's favorite color.

All the arrangement were very well done that too very quick.

Nirmala was like flying in the sky in happiness.

Roli's friends were teasing Roli.

Friend1: Roli, you will fly to US with Siddhant.  Then will you remember all of us.

Friend2: Where she will find time to remember all of us?

Friend1: You are right.  Then Roli you will play with your Siddhant like how you both used to play during your childhood.

Friends2: Why they need to play those games which they played in childhood?

Roli: Wont you please stop all these.  

Roli blushed & ran away from there.

All were very happy & excited for Rajender family arrival & the marriage.

Rajender & Sujatha packed all their clothes & required items to India as they decided not to return.

Siddhant was not interested to stay back in India.  

Hence he packed few dresses in a bag & got ready taking leave for 10 days.

The day has come for Rajender & Family to reach India.

They reached Chennai airport & engaged a taxi to their village.

Siddhant was not feeling comfortable with the climate, pollution, traffic...

Siddhant: See dad, how it is.  I am unable to understand how these people are living here.

Rajender: Siddhant, we too were living here only.

Siddhant: Dad, dont tell me old stories.  I am not interested to hear all those.

Rajender was wondering how he is going to handle him in the village.

Finally they reached their village.

Rajender, Sujatha & Siddhant were surprised to see the decorated house and busy people running here & there.

Rajender first thought Nirmala arranged all these to welcome them.

Nirmala rushed towards the door hearing the car sound.

Nirmala welcome all.

She was astonished to see the grown Siddhant.

All went inside and sat in the hall.

Rajender: Maaji, why the house is decorated & all preparations are going on?  Is it to welcome us?

Nirmala: Of course to Welcome you all.  But also for our Roli & Siddhant Marriage which is planned for tomorrow.

Rajender, Sujatha were pleasantly surprised while Siddhant was shocked...

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