Her return

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Roli started missing Sid a lot.

Roli was calling to SID in day & night time.

Even if he miss to take a call, she started fighting with him.

Roli; You have forgot me completely.  You dont even pick up my call.

Sid: Roli, what is this.  You know about our job.  I was in the meeting dear.

Roli: Still now a days you started avoiding me.

SId; Nothing like that Roli.

Roli: It is like that only.  you may ask me 'who i am' after few days.

Sid: What are you telling Roli? Do you think I ever do like that?

ROli: You may do.  I even fear, my dream may come true.

Sid: Oh ROli. What happend to you?  I am in pain being away from you all & you are fighting with me.

Roli: Do you really miss me.

Sid: Yes dear.  I miss you

Roli: DO you really love me.

Sid: Yes of course Dear.  I love you.

Roli: I love you too...

Roli taking food has gradually decreased showing her disinterest in the food.

Roli's interest on dressing also reduced to great extent

Roli was playing with the baby.

Roli: Sneha wont you miss your dad.  You are his favorite cutie pie right?

Sneha was giving a cute smile to Roli.

Roli: See exactly like her father.  Smiling when I am in pain

Nirmala as well as ROSID parents note those changes in Roli.

They decided not to keep ROSID away for their sake.

Nirmala came to know that one of their family friend is going with her family to US and decided to send Roli with them.

When Nirmala told ROli that she booked ticket for her return, ROli was very happy.

Roli hug Nirmala in happiness.

Nirmala: ROli do you think we have not seen your condition now a days without Siddhant.  Get ready to return.

ROli blushed & rushed towards her room to pack the clothes.

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