In the office

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Rosid started going to office together.

It was her 1st day.

One of the Indian friend of sid working in his department looked at roli and was flirting in the break.

Sid noticed & went near him.

Sid: what friend? What is happening?

Friend: look at that newly joined girl.  How beautiful she is?

Sid: is it?

Friend: yes.  Long hair. Sharp eyes.  

Sid: so what you feel like.

Friend: I feel like marrying such girl only.  But I married an American girl already.

Sid: that mistake I have done.  I married her only.

Friend: what are you saying?

Sid: yes.  She is my wife.

Friend: oh sorry I was flirting in front of you.  You too not told us that she is your wife.

Sid: she only joined here today.

Roli came towards sid to have lunch.

Sid: roli, he is Indian friend in my department only.  

Roli: hello

Friend felt embarrassing and left the place.

Rosid were having lunch together.

Sid: roli how are you feeling your job?

Roli: no much difficulty.  It is easy I can manage.

Sid: well.

Rosid had lunch and continued their work.

Evening too they started together to return home.

Rosid were enjoying their days.

One day...

Roli was coming towards sid cabin while she saw that.

One girl was hugging sid and kissed him on his cheeks.

Roli was shocked.

Roli returned to his place without even meeting sid.

Lunch time..

Roli SMS: I am not feeling hungry.  You have your lunch.

Sid SMS: I got something to tell you.

Roli SMS: sorry I got work.

Sid was wondering what happened to roli.

In the evening...

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