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Siddhant & Roli started from house for shopping.

Siddhant was driving very fast & Roli was getting afraid.

Roli face turned pale.  Siddhant reduced the speed looking at Roli in fear.

After few minutes of driving they reached the mall for shopping.

Roli was astonished to look at the big mall with all the shops inside.

When Roli was getting into the mall, one of the Indian family friend met Siddhant with Roli.

Friend: Hi Siddhant.  How are you.  How are your parents.  Its long time, we have not seen each other.  Who is this beautiful girl.

Siddhant: We all are fine.  My parents went back to India to settle down there.  This is my wife.  Roli.

Friend: Wife.  You have not even inform us that you are getting married.

Siddhant: it was sudden arrangement happend in our village thats why.

Friend: Your wife is looking very pretty. See how lengthy hair she has.  Her beautiful face.  Traditional style of dressing.  What ever you say, this beauty will not come in any other dress.

Siddhant smiled.

Friend after talking & admiring Roli for sometime left the place.

Siddhant took ROli to provisional store where they purchased the required provisional items, then went to vegetable shop to purchase vegetable for a week.

Siddhant then took her to cloth store.

Siddhant selected nice Jeans & Tshirt for Roli.

Siddhant: Take this & go to trial room.  Check whether it is fitting correctly.

Roli: Trial room?

Siddhant: Yes.  It is the place where we can change the dress & see whether the size of dress is fitting properly.

Roli took the dress & went to trial room.

Dress was fitting correctly for her.

Roli changed back to her dress & came out.

Siddhant: What happend did you tried it.

Roli: Yes I tried it.  It is correct in size.

Siddhant: Ok.

Siddhant selected few more set of dresses for her in the same size.

Roli was wondering how to wear these dresses & come in front of all.

They had dinner there itself and returned home.

Roli went to kitchen to set the purchased items.

After few minutes came out & went to their room to set the clothes in the wardrobe.

Siddhant by now was sitting in the bed & reading some book.

Roli took a pillow & blanket to sleep in the floor.

Siddhant: Roli what are you doing

Roli: Arranging my blanket to sleep in the floor.

Siddhant, here you cant sleep on the floor and all.  Come & sleep in the bed.

Roli: Its ok. I will sleep here

Siddhant: Why cant you do what I tell you.  

Roli got afraid & took the pillow again & went near bed to sleep.

Siddhant moved to one side of the bed & gave place to Roli to sleep in the other side.

Siddhant started sleeping in few minutes while Roli was not getting sleep.

Roli turned towards Siddhant & starring at him.

Roli was rewinding the memories since she started from home with Siddhant.

Roli was blushing thinking how she hold his hands in the flight, then how Siddhant hold her hands while walking, then how he prepared food for them..

Roli was thinking, you are my very sweet, cute husband.,, and smiled.

Siddhant got awake when ROli was smiling at him.

Siddhant: What happened?

ROli: Nothing

Siddhant: are you not getting sleep?

Roli: Yes may be being new place.

Siddhant: By the way why you were smiling looking at me.

Roli: nothing.  

Siddhant: You will smile for nothing.

Roli blushed.

Roli turned against him in shyness.

Siddhant was mesmerised by her pinky cheeks..

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