Do your graduation

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Siddhant brought a form while returning from office one day.

Sid gave that to Roli.

Roli: What is this.

Sid: ROli this is the form for your graduation.

ROli: Graduation!

Sid: yes.  you dropped further studies in our village.  But now I will not let you be under graduate.  You do the graduation here.

Roli: Can I do that?

SId: Why not?  Anyway you are free the whole day & getting bored alone at home.  So you go to college and learn.  I wil teach you in the evening.

Roli: Ok.  

Roli was very happy to hear this.  

Roli hug Sid.

Roli: Thank you.  Thank you so much.

Sid took her to the college & got her admission for graduation.

Roli started going to college in the day time when Sid goes to office.

Roli was also feeling relieved by this as she used to get bored the whole day staying alone at home.

Sid after returning from office teach her so that she can understand and study easily.

Roli was finding little difficult in the initial days in understanding the english by other students and lecturers.

Roli: I am thinking of not going to college any more.

Sid: Why dear what happend? Did anyone told you something?

Roli: I am not able to understand what others are telling.  I feel alone in that full college and feel odd.

Sid: That is the problem.  You are unable to understand their english accent right?

Roli: Yes.  

Sid: Dont worry I will help you.

Sid taught her the accent of speaking english.

Roli slowly started to understand the language.

Roli was very happy.  

Sid taught her each & every thing to cope up with the life style.

Roli is now able to mingle in the college well

She got few friends also.

With help of Sid also ROli was studying well.

Roli: I am very happy that how much initiative you have taken to get me to college.  Thank you.

SId: Where thank you is coming between us?  No need at all.

Roli: But without you i might have not able to cope up or handle any of these.

Roli eyes were wet.

Sid: Oh my dear sweet heart.  It is my duty & responsibility.  I know you are studious.  How fast you learn things.  But you dropped your studies due to situational reasons.  Thats why I decided to send you to college.

Roli went near Sid & kissed on his cheeks.

Roli: Shall we start the studies now.

Sid: Where can we study after getting kiss from my cutie.

Sid closed the book & took ROli on his lap.

ROSID hug each other...

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