Cute babies

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Roli was in severe pain.

Roli called Sid.

Sid seeing Roli calling him put Sudden break not only to his car, but also to his mind.

SId realised he left ROli alone in this condition.

Sid took the phone.

Sid: ROli...

Roli: Where are you?...   (in pain)

SId: ROli, I am sorry.  I am coming in few minutes.

Sid disconnected the call and rushed towards the party hall with maximum speed.

Reaching the hall, Sid searched for Roli everywhere.  

Roli was missing.

Sid called ROli.

Their friend took the call.

Friend: Siddhant where are you.  Where you went leaving Roli in this condition.  It is good that I noticed her in pain & taking to the hospital.

Sid: Thanks.  Take care of her & admit in the hospital.  I am just coming.

Sid rushed towards hospital.

Sid was feeling ashamed of himself.

Sid was thinking, what happend to me?  Why I did like that?  I promised everyone that I will take care of you & left like this in end moment.  What blunder I have done?

Sid reached hospital & rushed towards Roli.

Roli was in pain & doctor was treating her.

Sid rushed near her and hold her hands.

ROli got some relief on looking at Sid.

In few minutes ROli delivered the boy baby first & in few minutes difference then the girl baby.

Sid went out of the ward & reached the room where Roli will be shifted.

Roli was shifted by the hospital staffs in few minutes.

Sid went near ROli & hold her hands.

But he was unable to meet her eyes.

Roli: Did I committed any mistake that you left me and went from the party?  

Sid: No Roli.  You have not done any mistake.  It was myself who did the mistake and I feel myself ashamed on my act.  Please forgive me.

Tears came out of Sid's eyes.

Roli: Please tell me what happend that you forgot your wife as well as your babies.

SId explained what happened with tears..

SId: I am sorry ROli.  It is completely my mistake.  I was not suppose to do that.  I am very sorry.

Roli: Let anyone tell anything.  Wont we know mutually.  Did I ever felt superior to you.  Even I denied to work in same level to our MD.  Is it my effort alone to complete the project.  I had faith in you more than our family members that you will take care of me during my delivery.  

Tears came out of Roli's eyes too.

SId: You should not cry.  I am ready to accept any punishment from you for my mistake.  I promise, i will never repeat this mistake in any future.

Roli: I will give Punishment to my Siddhant?  The pain which you are feeling now because of your mistake itself is punishment for you.  What more I can give you?

SId: I am sorry..  I am very sorry...

Roli: This is time for joy.  not to cry..  Now we have become parents to 2 cute babies.

At the same time the hospital staff bring the babies wrapped with towels to their room.

Sid took the girl baby while Roli took the boy baby it their hands.

They looked at the babies and felt very happy.

SId called their village & informed them that the babies are born.

All were very excited.

Sid went near Roli and kissed on her forehead...

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