Make the morning good

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Siddhant & Roli were very much excited.

ROSID did confessed their love mutually.

ROSID just experienced their first touch, first hug in love & first kiss.

Both were unable to believe what has happend in just few minutes which was not expected earlier by both of them.

They had sleepless night with those sweet memories.

Next day morning,

Roli wake up & went near Siddhant ears.

Roli: Good morning.

Roli tried to move away while Sid hold her hands.

Roli: You were awake

Sid: Roli where i slept to wake up.  

Roli smiled.

Roli: leave my hands & let me go.

Sid: where are you trying to go just by telling good morning.

Roli: Then!

Sid: With Good morning greetings, also make the morning good.

Sid wink his eyes and smiled.

ROli blushed.

Roli went near his cheeks and gave a sweet kiss on his cheeks.

Before SIddhant realise what she did, Roli rushed out from there.

Siddhant smiled.

Roli took bath & was combing her hair.

Siddhant was admiring her beauty & her long hair.

Siddhant went near her.

Siddhant: ROli you are looking very beautiful

Roli blushed.

Siddhant caresses her long hair.

Siddhant: How beautiful your hair is & its fragrance.

Siddhant is admiring Roli in words for the 1st time.

Roli made the plait & went to kitchen to start cooking.

Siddhant went behind her.

Roli was cutting the vegetables, while Siddhant sat in front of her & starring at her.

Roli face turned pink.

Roli: How can i do the work if you look at me like this.

Siddhant: I have not disturbed you from working.  You do your work.  I am doing my work.

ROli: you are not disturbing, but your eyes are disturbing me.

Siddhant: Roli, for you only my eyes are disturbing you, but you are disturbing me on the whole Neither I am able to be awake nor sleep.  Feeling like admiring you.

Roli: From where poet has come suddenly inside my husband.

Siddhant: What to do? I have become poet since I got your cute good morning.

Roli blushed while Siddhant smiled.

Roli was busy in the kitchen work 

Both of her hands were busy & oily.

Roli's small bunch of hair was disturbing her coming to her face.

She was trying to move it from her face, but she was unable to.

Siddhant slowly went near her.

Siddhant hold that bunch of hair

Siddhant: Oh how dare you.  I am sitting this much far from ROli as she ordered not to disturb her whereas you got guts to go too close to her face & disturbing her.

Siddhant moved it away from her face and clip it.

Roli started laughing by Sid's action.

Siddhant too smiled.

Siddhant: Roli, wont i have the rights which the hair has.

Roli: Of course.  You has. But only after I finish all the works.

Roli smiled & continued her work.

Siddhant kept his face as looking upset and pretend to be angry.

Roli hit gently on Siddhant by her shoulders.

Roli: What happend to my husband.  He seems to be angry with his wife.

Siddhant: Then what his wife is not showing any mercy on him.  

Roli: Oh then his wife seems to be very arrogant & merciless.

Siddhant: Not exactly.  

ROli: Then how she is

Siddhant: She is very beautiful

Roli: Then

Siddhant::She is very naughty

Roli: Naughty!  Why?

Siddhant: Because She kissed him, but not allowing him.

ROli: It shows she dont wait for his permission whereas he is waiting for her permission.

Roli blushed.

Siddhant understood what she tried to say.

Siddhant went more near her.

Siddhant back hug her tightly.

Siddhant moved towards her...

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