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     ANNABELLE HENDERSON smiled mischievously as she spat out the blood in her mouth. "that all you got, landon?" she ridiculed, challenging the raging girl in front of her. "you know, even your boyfriend lasted longer than this".

she saw the the rage in amanda's eyes, and knew she had her right where she wanted her. amanda threw a punch towards her, as she dodged the sloppily thrown blow rather easily, before sending one right back and hitting her in the stomach.

even though annabelle hadn't so much as looked at amanda's boyfriend, she knew that it was no use denying the rumours, so she fed into them for entertainment sake.

"you're a sleaze".

"nice insult, inspector gadget. where'd you learn to swear like that?" annabelle teased, before quickly dodging another blow and swinging her fist into amanda's jaw, causing her to fall back from the impact. she recovered quicker than annabelle had anticipated and charged towards her, knocking her over.

"knock me out, i dare you" annabelle challenged her, loving every moment of the fight.

amanda screamed profanities at the girl, who just laughed, further angering the girl. jonathan byers took out his camera and began snapping photos, capturing the essence of the wild side of annabelle henderson.

her black hair was a wild mess, the spontaneous blue ends frizzed up and her grunge-y makeup smeared messily. he knew her plan and waited for the moment where she'd end the fight.

amanda was on top of her, slapping her face continuously until annabelle lost all the joy from the fight and decided to end it. she quickly flipped them over which took everyone by surprise seeing as she was smaller in size in comparison.

she started hitting until until she saw blood. but that didn't satisfy her. she got up and started kicking the limp body, only to be held back by someone else.

"okay-okay, knock it off"she heard steve harrington yell from behind her, attemptinh to drag her away. "show's over, everyone fuck off" he yelled, dragging her away, jonathan still snapping photos.

"get your hands off of me, harrington"she snarled through gritted teeth once they were around the corner.

steve backed away, holding his hands up in defence, knowing that she never made an empty threat. "what was that about?" jonathan asked from behind her, receiving a shrug. he held back a smile at her antics, knowing better than to encourage her behaviour.

"you won?"steve queried, earning a nod. "that's good isnt it?" steve joked.

"another name to add to the list of people who hate my guts".

"annabelle henderson; the queen of hawkins high" steve announced victoriously, pulling his best friend into a tight hug which made jonathan shift uncomfortably.

he always disliked the friendship between both because it made him feel like second best, and quite frankly, he was, although she'd never voice it.

"and we cant forget king steve, and her trusty sidekick jonathan" she winked playfully.

"sidekick? i thought that i'd be your partner in crime" jonathan spoke in a low voice, pretending to be insulted. "but really though, stop getting yourself into fights" he tutted, already knowing that she wouldn't listen.

down hill; billy hargroveWhere stories live. Discover now