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       "HEY DIPSHIT!" STEVE greeted her as he walked past.

"damn, second period over already?" she asked.

"yeah. heard you got your second strike of the month".

"yeah, i needed my food" annabelle replied, taking a messy bite.

"you eat like a boy".

"dont discriminate, i'm a lady" she stated with a mouth full.

"dont make me laugh" he laughed mockingly.

"you little shit" she chuckled, punching him playfully.

"well, i've got to go. basket ball calls" he told her, making his way out.

annabelle sat on the bleachers for a few more seconds. the quietness was soon overruled by a bunch of annoying giggling. "to think that i'm the same gender as these" she mumbled.

being a girl's girl had always been a problem for her. she could never relate to them, though that could be a result of a lack of trying.

in about ten minutes the boys were in the gymnasium playing basket ball, as the girls watched. annabelle could feel the masculine tension between steve and billy as they played dirty for the ball.

she had to admit, it was hot.

she watched intently as the boys exchanged words, steve looking fed up with billy, before he was shoved onto the ground by billy who scored a basket, the girls cheering him on.

"steve?". annabelle saw nancy standing by the door. she tensed up, wanting nothing more than to slap her once more. steve glanced at nancy before making eye contact with annabelle who shrugged, watching him turn around and walking towards nancy.

the game paused when steve left, everyone going to get a drink. billy stared at annabelle, brows furrowed. she raised a brow, mouthing "what" a he only shrugged. upon two minutes, a distressed steve re-entered the gym.he glanced towards her once again before continuing with the game.

"hey, henderson! this one's for you" billy yelled, winking at her. annabelle practically saw steam coming out of steve's ears as billy made another basket. she pretended to swoon.

"what a man" she muttered sarcastically, making billy wink. she watched the guys get called in by the coach before heading to get changed.

annabelle waited for steve outside of the gym for a solid ten minutes before billy approached her on his own, his hair wet.

"we still on for tonight?" he questioned as she nodded, looking him up and down.

"new deal. i'll go on a date with you if you stop being suck a dickhead towards my friend".


"you heard me, hargrove. i'm trying to make an agreement here" she informed him as he sighed.

"since when does king steve need a girl to fight his battles?" billy questioned amusedly.

"he doesn't. just i'd prefer he didnt beat the shit out of you and that i gave you a friendly warning instead" she smiled sweetly as billy grimaced.

"no promises"he muttered

"then yes, the date's still on" she told him, Seeing steve walking towards her.

"see you at five then sweets." he winked, walking away.

"what'd he want?" steve questioned with a frown.

"just the usual mocking" she lied, her gaze following him as he disappeared around a corner.

"he's an asshole" he muttered. annabelle averted her eyes to steve, seeing sadness showing itself.

"what's she want?".

"she couldn't even tell me that she loved me" he mumbled as annabelle stopped walking, clenching her jaw. she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"what a bitch" she uttered, pulling him into a hug.

"you can say that again".

"i love you. i know it's not as important to you as nancy, but i care for you so much. i'd take a bullet for you" she admitted, getting a tad bit sappy.

"i love you too, belle" he chuckled. "but please dont go all soft on me". annabelle scoffed playfully as they walked towards the cafeteria.

"what is it with people assuming that me being nice is me getting soft?". steve let out a forced laugh, not finding anything funny at that moment. "lets ditch next period" annabelle suggested as they approached the school.

"and get you your third strike?" he asked her, his brow raised.

"yeah. i'd rather face my mother's wrath than another day in this hell hole".

"fine" he told her as they both got into his car.

"i bet that i can beat you i that stupid hotdog eating contest" annabelle told him playfully.

"no way" steve challanged her.

"i'd like to see you try and beat me, steven" she mocked, as he rolled his eyes.

"deal" they shook hands.


"and thats why im the man in our friendship" annabelle announced as they sat in steve's car. she was eating her last hotdog after winning the eat as many hotdogs as you can in under twenty minutes competition. she recomposed herself and turned to face steve.

"you're a girl belle. being able to eat twenty-six hotdogs in twenty minutes is nothing to brag about" he  shook his head.

"don't be sexist. being able to eat that much will benefit me in the end, you'll see" she spoke in a tone that made her words sound like a statement which amused steve. "if you need to talk to anyone-" she began to speak, dampening the mood.

"dont tell anyone about nancy please" steve begged her as they neared her last class of the day. steve dropping her off, watching her take her seat.

annabelle sat up straight throughout the lesson, her fists clenched at the sight of nancy and jonathan not in the class. she knew that he knew about steve and it enraged her that jonathan would get in between a relationship like that, however much she encouraged him to make a move.

"what's wrong with her?" billy asked tommy behind them.

"she's mad." tommy shrugged, stating the obvious.

"shut it" annabelle snapped from in front of them. she was quiet for the rest of the lesson, before practically sprinting out.

"where'a this kid?" she asked herself, waiting for dustin. annabwlle watched billy drive away, smiling to himself. she stayed outside her car for at least ten minutes before deciding to go. "screw him" she muttered before entering her car and driving off.


Thank you guys for the votes,means alot.love yyaaaall

anyways, peace xox

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