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ANNABELLE WALKED into the starcourt, Covering her eyes with her hair before making a beeline for scoops ahoy.

"Ahoy"Steve greeted her, Going from behind the counter to hug her before noticing her eyes puffier and redder than usual. "What's wrong?"He questioned, Geniuine concern in his voice.

"Hopper. Dad. Everything"She whimpered as Steve hugged her.

"Robin, I'm taking my half an hour break now" He yelled as she emerged from the back, Ready to protest before seeing Annabelle's state.

"Take as much time as you need"She mumbled, Leaning against the counter and watched as they both walked outside.

"Right, Tell me everything"He cooed.

"Dad didnt mention me in the letter"Was all she could get out, As Steve froze in shock.

"I thought you said he told you he would miss you?"He asked, baffled.

"I lied. I didnt want anymore pity. I just wanted the pain to go away, Steve"She sobbed into his work-shirt, Getting makeup all over it.

"Oh, Belle"He cooed once again, Stroking her hair and kissing the top of her head.

"Please make it stop. The missing him, The crying. Everything"She cried even harder at her own words, Feeling out of control and weak.

"I cant take the pain away. You're still grieving, Belle. You need more time"He explained, His voice soothing.

"It's not fair. He told her it wasnt her fault and he loved her endlessly. The same woman that fucking ignored me for two years and made me feel like it was all my fault"Annabelle's words was practically a whisper, Her voice hurting. "It's not fair".

"Life isnt ever fair. Look at me. Have you seen what I've become. Life's going to fuck you over so many times and you've just gotta get on with it. It wont ever be fair, Because it would be too easy. You've just gotta face it head on. I know its hard, But its how it is. Just know im always here for you to cry your makeup onto"He joked as Annabelle nodded, Wiping her tears onto her sleeve and hugging Steve tighter.

"I fucking love you"She uttered as he laughed.

"I love you more".

"Impossible"She shook her head, Kissing his cheek. "You'd better get back".

"You gonna be fine?". Annabelle nodded.

"Call me when you get off, So I can bitch sone more"She joked as they hugged again, Before walking separate ways.

Annabelle appreciated her friendship with Steve as it was, but that very moment when he told her how it is made her love him even more. She realised that he would cut the crap and tell her what's what, But also reassure her and make sure she was okay in the process of doing so. She was beyond grateful for him and frankly didn't know what she'd do without him.

yoooo tysm for 4k reads thats nuts. uploads are gonna be inconsistent asf from now on, as im really busy and stuff.
votes, comments and reads are all appreciated ahhh ilyasm <3

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