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"How's my favourite Sinclair?"Annabelle questioned, A smile on her face.

"Would be much better with some samples in my stomach"Erica sassed as Annabelle rolled her eyes.

"I need your help"Annabelle told her as Erica nodded her head slowly.

"What do you want?"She questioned as Annabelle led her into the back, Where Steve had finally managed to pull Dustin out of the vent.

"You think you can fit in there?"Annabelle questioned as she grabbed the flashlight and handed it to Erica who was already half way up the ladder.

"Hmm..."She thought before climbing back down. "Yeah, I dont know".

"You dont know if you can fit?"Annabelle questioned as the other three stood behind her, Finally catching up with what was going on.

"Oh, I can fit. I just dont know if I want to"Erica told her.

"Are you claustrophobic?"Robin questioned as Annabelle chuckled.

"Ha, Erica Sinclair hasn't got phobias"Annabelle informed her as Erica nodded.

"Okay, Then what's the problem".

"The problem is, I still havent heard whats in this for Erica"She told them.

"Ice cream"Steve said simply as Erica smirked, Before shooing the other three into the front to make her multiple different sundays. Annabelle went to follow them but was held back.

"Nuh-uh. A lady doesn't scoop"Erica smirked as Annabelle raised a brow.

"What about Robin?".

"She isn't a lady. She has a crush on Steve"Erica told her as Annabelle followed her to a booth.

"A crush on Steve? As if. He's not her type" Annabelle defended them.

"You jealous that she likes him and that he maybe likes her back?"Erica teased.

"What? No. I-I have a boyfriend"Annabelle defended herself.

"Had. Past tense. News travels fast"She informed. "Besides. I dont think Robin is Steve's type. I think that he's more into Hendersons".

"You're telling me he likes my brother?" Annabelle questioned awkwardly, Knowing he liked her after his recent confession,as the three others finally arrived, Carrying multiple icecreams.

"M'lady"Dustin announced, Placing some on the table as Erica licked her lips.

Steve slid a banana boat towards her as Erica looked at it, Before pushing it back. "More fudge please". Steve stared at her before she shooed him off "Go on".

Steve grabbed it before walking off, Robin taking it as the perfect moment to discuss the matter at hand.

"All right. You see this? This is the route you're gonna take."She told her, Motioning to the red line on the blue prints "Then we just wait till the last delivery goes out tonight. Then you knock out the grate, Jump down and open the door".

"Then you find out whats in those boxes?".


"Mm-hmm. And you say this guard is armed?" Erica questioned as Annabelle's eyes widened, Attempting to signal to them that they needed to lie.

"Yes, But he wont be there"Dustin spoke, Obviously not understanding.

"And booby traps?".

"Booby traps?".

"Lasers, Spikes in the wall?".

"What?"Robin asked, Confused.

"You know what this half-baked plan of yours sounds like to me? Child endangerment"Erica informed them in a as a matter-of-fact tone.

"We'll be in radio contact with you the whole time-"Robin trailed off before being interrupted.

"Ah. ah, ah! Child endangerment."Erica shushed her.

"Erica? Hi. Uh...We think the Russians want to do harm to our country. Great harm. Dont you love your country?"Dustin asked her, As Erica looked at him dead in the eyes.

"You cant spell "America" without "Erica"She replied, Holding her hand up for Annabelle to highfive before she took a loud slurp of her drink.

"Uh, Yeah, yeah. Oddly, Thats, uh, totally true. So, So, dont do this for us. Do it for your country. Do it for your fellow man. Do this for America... Erica"Dustin pep-talked her as Erica finished her drink.

"Mmm. I just got the chills"She paused as Dustin smiled happily. "Oh yeah, From this floats, Not your speech. Know what i love most about this country? Capitalism. Do you know what capitalism is?"She questioned.



"Im more of a communist myself"Annabelle mumbled quietly.

"It means this is a free market system. Which means people get payed for their services depending in how valuable their contributions are. And it seems to me, my ability to fit into that little vent is very, very valuable to you all. So, You want my help? This USS Butterscotch better be the first of many. And I'm talking free icecream. for. life"Erica told them.

Robin and Dustin shared a glance, Annabelle taking a spoonful of one of Erica's icecreams, Which Erica was fine with as Annabelle used to babysit her about two years ago and let her stay up late and whatnot.

"We have a deal"Annabelle spoke with food in her mouth as Dustin sent a glare her way.

i know i said this'd be my final update but i think i'll write the story up until the cinema scene and then take a break. idk though i might not

down hill; billy hargroveWhere stories live. Discover now