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     ANNABELLE SAT in the back row of her english class, watching billy shamelessly flirting with carol in front of her, as if he hadn't invited her over to his house the very same day. she found herself muttering a variety of profanities at his name, raising steve interest in the situation at hand.

"you good, quirky?" he questioned, glancing between both of them and assessing the situation.

"has anyone ever made you feel like shit, like purposefully?" annabelle questioned, her gaze still fixed on billy smirking at carol who smacked her gums, tommy totally oblivious to what was going on.

"hello? you just described my whole situation with nancy" he reminded her as she finally looked at him.

"and now i feel dramatic about my petty problem. how've you two been?" she remorsed.

"shit. bullshit even" he chuckled dryly as annabelle placed a hand on his shoulder in sympathy and understanding. her eyes screamed pity towards the boy. she had a look on her face, one steve regrettably knew too well. mischeif.

"i know you and nancy have plans tonight because of jonathan. and it just so happens, i have plans with this specific jackass as-well. so i was thinking, why don't we ditch them and them a taste of their own medicine?" she questioned as steve shook his head in amusement.

"and here i was thinking the old annabelle was gone. good to have the queen back" he smiled, bowing in mockery making annabelle snort, drawing attention to both of them.

"what's so funny, miss henderson? anything you'd like to share with the class?" mr woolworth questioned, looking at her with expectancy.

annabelle's smile peaked as she looked at syeve then back to the teacher. "we were just discussing how" her insult was cut short by steve placing his hand on her mouth.

"the equation we just did is pretty similar to the one we did yesterday, and how that could help us with this one" steve lied horribly as the teacher scoffed.

"pay more attention, both of you" he scolded, going back to the lesson.

billy kept his gaze on on the pair, who were chuckling quietly in the back, feeling jealousy hit him. he zoned out carol's rambling as he saw a look in steve's eyes. he knew what it was and it made him even more eager to call annabelle his.

"so, meet me at the park in a hour. i'll get the booze" she confirmed her plans with him, seconds before the bell rung.

she walked off, remember to pick up her pace and go around the back to avoid billy's wrath. unluckily for her, billy was right behind her and ran up to her, turning her around and to face him.

"you good?" he questioned to the now enraged small girl. she bit her tongue to stop anything coming out, knowing it'd either end up in forgiveness or a fight, and she couldn't be bothered with either options. she shrugged herself out of his grasp and sped walked away, leaving billy trying to catch up with her. "whats wrong?" he questioned, struggling to keep up as they exited the building.

"fuck off, billy" she hissed, not sparing a look towards him before walking off. she found no point in going around the back, now that billy knew she was mad at him. she felt utterly pathetic for the way she acted but didnt give in. she heard a car follow her and groaned.

"come on, anna. what's wrong?" he asked as annabelle slowed down her pace, knowing it'd make billy stall his car and give her the chance to lose him.

"annabelle..." he continued, as she remained quiet. "are you mad at me?" he questioned, almost not believing it at realisation hit him. when her eyes flickered towards him he knew that he'd fucked up sometime during the day.

"get in the car, i'll drive you home" he told her. annabelle slowed down even more, getting entertainment out of this now. "get in the car, anna".

she knew he was losing patience, so she smiled to herself before his car finally came to a complete halt. curiosity got the best if her as she stopped walking and turned to see a victorious smile on hargrove's face. "get in the car" he instruy. she hesitated, but found her feet taking over as she made her way to the passenger seat.

"what's wrong?" he questioned.

"you." she stated plainly as billy drove off, her eyes not leaving the road ahead.

"okay. what've i done?".

"you know goddamn well what you've done" she snapped, her short temper creating a form of entertainment for billy. 

"i dont. why dont you enlighten me, annabelle". she scoffed as she opened the window and lit up a cigarette, in an attempt to calm herself down.

"you and carol" she chuckled bitterly at herself as they pulled up into her driveway and she exited quickly.

shs heard billy's door open and heavy footsteps follow her.

"i'm sorry" he sighed, grabbing her wrist and turning her around. "im sorry for flirting with carol in front of you". annabelle's jaw clenched. she took a deep breath.

"all is forgiven, if you forgive me for this" she looked him in the eyes as he furrowed his brows. her palm hit his cheek in a split second before she smiled at him sweetly and pulled him into a kiss. she felt him smile amusedly into it and knew that they were good.

"but i've gotta cancel our plans. made new ones, sorry pretty boy" she smiled at him playfully before kissing his unmarked cheek and entering her house.


this chapter is very badly written sorry
also tysm for 400 reads u guys are amazing ily
Anyways, peace xox

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