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[one month later]

ANNABELLE LAYED ON billy's bed, Staring at the celling, as a distant billy lay beside her. she didnt seem to mind, she assumed that the older hargrove was just deep in thought. little did she know that he was taking small glances at the her, taking in every second he spent with her, worshipping them, and her.

he'd never felt like this towards anyone. he would've never thought that one day annabelle henderson would be laying in his bed, fully clothed, laying against his chest, listening to his heartbeat while playing with the buttons on his shirt.

"you're cool, you know that?" she spoke into his chest, her voice quieter than usual. billy hummed in response, a smug look plastered on his face.

"and you're beautiful, annabelle henderson". annabelle raised her head from his chest and leaned in for a kiss, before swerving and pecking his cheek.

"boys have cooties" she spoke childishly, getting up and running away from him, suddenly gaining a burst of energy. billy huffed before taking off after her, knowing that it'd take some time considering she was on the field and track team.

when he finally caught up to her, he grabbed onto her waist and threw her over his shoulder, as she squealed and shouted in protest. he walked back into his room, throwing her onto his bed before laying on top of her, staring at the face that he'd loved since he'd set his eyes upon it just over a year ago.

he found himself cupping her chin lightly, a small smile on his lips.

"how did i get so lucky?" he questioned himself. annabelle let a small smile slip past her lips as she felt a hard blush form on her naturally rosy cheeks.

"sweet talking'll get you nowhere" she joked as he shook his head.

"it's gotten me into your pants a million times, doll" he winked as annabelle's eyes widened. he took this chance to lean in and kiss her as she remained still for a moment, attempting to process what was going on, before finally kissing him back.

when she finally pulled away, his signature smirk was long gone, ans was replaced by a look that could be only described as love. a year on and neither of them had any idea that they were in love, and it truly confused the people around them how they could both be so blind.

"i better get going" she told him. "i have a shithead to deliver and a dance to attend".

"i'll see you tomorrow?" billy questioned as annabelle nodded.

"see you tomorrow" she confirmed, kissing him on the lips straight this time before exiting the room.


she entered the house and went straight to her room to get changed. she'd bought a rather tight red dress that complimented her body and curves. the back hung low and the dress was knee length. she smiled at her appearance before applying the slight bit of makeup.

"looking good" she winked at herself playfully, before placing the sunglasses onto her eyes.

"give me a twirl. you look beautiful" her mother exclaimed as annabelle twirled playfully before dustin entered the room, swearing.

"son of a bitch. son of a bitch".

"where'd you see it last?" their mother asked as annabelle raised a brow.

down hill; billy hargroveWhere stories live. Discover now