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She got up to open the door, To reveal a certain Harrington. She forced a smile to which he shook his head to.

"Dont even try that 'Im fine' shit. I'm here for you tonight so dont put up that wall thing you usually do"He struggled to word his sentence as Annabelle let out a dry laugh, Grabbing his hand and leading him inside.

Claudia smiled a hello to Steve and silently thanked him for being there for her daughter. Dustin on the other hand was sending a glare towards him, Scared of his sister being hurt yet again.

She lead Steve into her room as they sat down onto her bed, Both dead silent before Steve spoke. "Do you remember my first girlfriend?". Annabelle looked him in the eye, A slight smile.

"Alice Sawyer. We were in like, what? sixth grade?"She questioned. Steve nodded.

"Yeah. She was actually my longest lasting relationship. We went three years until we broke up because she had to move to Europe. I figured that if she didnt, We might still be together..."He trailed off before Annabelle interrupted him.

"What are you even talking about, Steve?"She questioned as Steve breathed heavily.

"I asked Alice out to make you jealous. I liked you throughout middle school, Hell, Even the first year of highschool.And you never noticed, Because I didn't want to ruin our friendship".


"I dated Nancy to get over you at the start. And she was a great rehab. But When I kissed her, I couldn't help but imagine what it'd feel like to kiss you. What i'm trying to say is, love makes us do crazy things. Keep that in mind next time you see Billy. He may be a dick but he sure as hell loved you. You can tell by the way he looked at you. While other girls swooned over him, His eyes were always on the goofy girl singing loudly in the hallways as she ran after a certain Byers who'd stolen her walkman. He looked at you like you were the only thing that mattered. His reason to live. Thats how I'd like to imagine I looked at Nancy. But I didn't. Because the feelings came back when you guys started dating. I was jealous. I could never look at Nancy that way because I love you, Belle".

Annabelle remained quiet for a second, Processing his words. "Dipshit, Say something" Steve begged quietly as she took a breath.

"Steve. I just got out of a relationship with I guy that I think im in love with and I am still waiting on an explanation from him. I love you too, But not in the way you love me". Steve felt a bit of his heart break at her words as she grabbed his hand.

"Listen Harrington, You're too good for me. Hell, You're too good for anyone in the whole world. I dont think I've ever admired anyone as much as I do you, And you're so deserving of so many good things. I'm not just saying that to be the supportive friend either. You're everything I've ever wanted in a guy, But you are my best friend, And I dont want to ruin that. You're truly remarkable Steve Harrington and you deserve so much better than what this small town has to offer, Especially woman wise"She squeazed his hand as Steve sighed.

"I just wanted you to know."He explained as Annabelle kissed his cheek.

"You're something else"She chuckled as Steve's smile faltered slowly.

"Lets stop this. I'm here for you. I want you to open up to me like I just did to you. Tell me what's up"He spoke carefully as Annabelle felt a pang of hurt from being reminded.

"I feel nothing. I know I should be feeling something, Whether its pain or anger. I want to feel something. Anything. But I just don't. I feel physically and emotionally numb."She explained, Her voice now dry and raspy. "I just don't know what to feel". Steve nodded, a laugh escaping his mouth.

"Cool, Like ice".Annabelle let out a laugh as they both laid there on her bed.

"Was it like this when you and Nancy broke up?"She questioned.Steve shook his head.

"Me and Nance-We...It was different. We both lost the passion for each other that we had at the beginning. It was a two way feeling. Yeah, It hurt to let it go but it was for the best. We were holding each other back in hopes that what we had was worth the fighting".

"Was it?".

"If it was, I'd probably be with her now instead of you"He responded blandly as Annabelle nodded. Even though he just confessed feelings towards her, She still felt second best compared to the Wheeler girl, And it hurt. It always did.

Nancy Wheeler was everything Annabelle wasnt. She had the perfect grades, Perfect fashion sense, Perfect family. Everyone loved her for who she was.

Annabelle, Not so much.

She built a bad reputation for herself. Her grades were slacking. Her looks were different. While Nancy was traditionally beautiful, Being the type of girl you'd want to take back to your parents, Annabelle was the bold and ruleless, Hot type. The type you'd want to fuck in the back seat of your car and then pretend not to acknowledge each others existence the next say. She had so many flaws that she expressed through violence. And her anger issues scared almost everyone away.

She'd always been a hot mess, And until now, She never seemed to notice it.

"Whats wrong with me?"Annabelle questioned, As Steve shrugged his shoulders, Not understanding it himself. "Am I not good enough?". Steve scoffed.

"Imagine Annabelle Henderson not being good enough for someone". Annabelle laughed dryly.

"Not helping Steve". He shook his head, Hugging Annabelle tightly as she sighed, Resting her head on his chest. "I love you"She smiled sadly at him as she felt herself doze off.

Steve on the other hand watched as the broken girl drifted to sleep. He found himself staring at her and admiring her beauty before noticing how creepy he was being before going to sleep himself.

uhh idrk what to say other than thank u guys this is supper poggers :D
double update incoming to celebrate yeaaa

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