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      ANNABELLE STEPPED outside and breathed in the fresh air, wiping sweat off her forehead and lighting a cigarette. "got one to spare?" she heard a familiar voice ask from behind her.

"no way am i giving you a smoke after all that drama of you quitting" she told him sternly.

he only rolled his eyes. annabelle always found herself in an older sister kind of role when it came to steve and his smoking habits, even if he was three months older than her. she never let him have one of her cigarettes for the simple reason that he didnt smoke on the daily, only when he was at a party or just wanted to fit in.

"do you think smoking relieves stress?" steve asked. she shrugged.

"i guess it does for awhile. but it loses effect. or at least, it did in my case" she told him. his eyes softened. "you okay?" she asked as he sat down, annabelle sliding down next to him and laying her head on his shoulder.

"nancy just told me that our relationship is bullshit and basically admitted that she didn't love me" he whispered. this caused annabelle to shoot upright, not knowing what to do.

"who does that wheeler girl think she is?" she mumbled under her breath, getting up to go give her a piece of her mind.

she found herself walking into the house, ignoring the pain that circulated her body, steve following her like a puppy, attempting to stop what was about to happen. annabelle saw nancy walking with jonathan and lunged at the girl unexpectedly, catching everyone off guard.

"bullshit, huh?" she questioned, her voice harsh and merciless as jonathan attempted to pull her off.

"cut it out" he yelled. she was much quicker and more agile than the oldest byer and easily shrugged him off, continuing to hit nancy until steve finally pulled her off of her.

"what the fuck is wrong with you?" nancy slurred, whimpering in pain as she did.

"what the fucks wrong with me? what the fuck's wrong with you, bitch!" annabelle yelled back, attempting to reach her again, before steve dragged her out. "let go of me!" she hissed, shrugging him off and making a beeline for the girl again, before steve caught her again.

"cool it" he whispered in her ear, before calmly escorting her outside, jonathan tending to nancy, who wore a look of self pity.

billy watched the scene unfold in amusement, feeling a strong curiosity towards annabelle, unlike one he'd ever felt before. from that moment on he swore to figure her out, one way or another.

"what the fuck was that?" steve questioned in disbelief.

"the bitch just told you that your relationship was a lie. what the fuck did you expect me to do, throw a party?" annabelle countered him angrily as steve lowered his head.

"it was the alcohol talking" he attempted to console himself. annabelle stood in silence, knowing it'd speak louder than any words that would exit her mouth. steve faced her, with a broken expression.

"drunk words are sober thoughts, stevie. you know that as well as i do". she slowly pulled him in for a hug, causing him to tense up, before relaxing slightly. she rested her head on his chest,  running her hands across his back in a soothing manner. after a few seconds he pulled away, regaining himself. they looked at each other and smiled slightly.

down hill; billy hargroveWhere stories live. Discover now