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"BILLY" ANNABELLE whined, dragging the 'y' of his name to gain his attention. he ignored her, focused on continuing his everlasting workout. as much as annabelle enjoyed watching him work out, sweat covering every muscle he had, she was beyond bored and wanted something to do. or rather, someone.

"billy" she called again, as he ignored her once more. she was starting to get frustrated as she would never think of ignoring him. "babyyyy" she whined once more as he finally snapped.

"what?" he asked coldly, as annabelle sent him a glare. most people would be scared if they angered billy hargrove, but annabelle henderson was another case. she enjoyed watching him get angry, as it turned her on slightly. she also knew that he wouldn't dream of hurting her.

"i'm bored" she mumbled as billy set down the weights and made his way onto the couch, sitting next to her. they just sat there for a few moments, neither knowing what to say.

"jennie hades is having a party tonight..." he trailed off, breaking the everlasting silence. annabelle knew instantly that he wanted to go, and debated whether to tell him that she'd be anything but invited to the party as she kissed jennie's boyfriend just over a year ago.

"i dont feel like drinking" she mumbled as billy lay down on the couch, his head now in her lap.

"since when does annabelle henderson not feel like drinking" he joked as annabelle rolled her eyes at him, sticking out her tongue playfully.

billy pulled her down for a kiss, closing his eyes before feeling something lick his cheek. "you're disgusting" he complained, wiping his girlfriend's spit off of his cheek, as she broke out into a fit of laughter.

he sighed, watching as her eyes scanned the room, deep in thought as her fingers trailed aimlessly though his knotty hair.

"you don't have to drink, just come with and be the designated driver" he explained, a hopeful look on his face. although he never forced her into doing things, he sometimes liked to guilt trip her to do specific things such as going to the movies or party's.

she mumbled a fine, as billy raised his head excitedly, attempting to kiss her but hitting his forehead in her nose instead.

"mother fucker" she winced suddenly as the familiar pain hit her nose, tears forming in her eyes from the impact.

"oh, shit" billy spoke quickly, helping her up and walking her to the bathroom. "shit, im so sorry" he apologised profusely as he watched her sort out the nosebleed. she ignored him for the time being, wanting nothing more than to get it to stop so she could clean the blood before his father came home, but was too late.

they both heard footsteps come nearer to the bathroom as neil hargrove followed the trail of blood. "what the fuck is this mess?" he yelled upon arriving the bathroom, only to see his son watching annabelle shove tissues up her nostrils.

both teenagers shot around to be met with the stone cold face of neil, who showed no ounce of emotion whatsoever. "i uh-." billy trailed off, not knowing what to say. annabelle took it into her own hands as she knew of the relationship between neil and billy.

"you must be billy's father. im annabelle henderson" she extended her hand attempted a smile, although it was hard to do so after hearing about what he did to billy. neil looked her up and down, taking her in before shaking her hand.

"i hope that your not one of his whores" he told her as annabelle's eyes widened. she had no response and for the first time in a while, she stood speechless.

billy decided to step in and defend his girlfriend. "no, she's my girlfriend". his father looked at billy and for the first time in a while, he looked somewhat pleased.

"'bout time you stopped fooling around and got a bird. although, im not too sure how i feel about your taste in women" he mumbled the last bit as annabelle squared up.

"oh, i'll show you tase in women" she muttered, resisting the urge to slam her fist into his face. billy held her back, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"i think she's quite a catch" susan, billy's stepmom, reassured billy from behind neil, sending both a warm smile.

"i guess. at least he's actually in a relationship now. i'm telling you, you cant go wrong with this shit. get a girl to love you and she'll do anything you want" his father trailed off as annabelle gave him a disgusted look, and susan made wide eyes before dragging him off, mumbling an apology.

"susan's way too nice for him" annabelle remarked, before smiling at billy who was now busy trailing soft kisses across her neck. "your dad seems..." she trailed off as she felt billy tense from behind her.

"like an asshole?" billy questioned, pulling away and sighing.

"that's one way to word it i guess" she shrugged as she pulled out the tissues from her nose, the blood finally having stopped.

"i gotta get home if i'm going to this party with you, pick me up at six" she told him.

"party starts at half five".

"pick me up at six" she repeated.


down hill; billy hargroveWhere stories live. Discover now