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ANNABELLE STOOD next to the kitchen island as she watched all of the wasted seniors ruin their livers, billy in the middle of them, laughing with tommy h.

"high school parties are overrated" a familiar voice spoke from beside her. she smiled.

"better than some of the collage parties we crashed last year" she chuckled as steve mimicked a girl in front of them.

"im so nice like, i just dont get why everyone hates me. like, i get that im entitled and all". they both burst out in laughter. "what are you doing here anyway. thought hopper told you to stay out of trouble?".

"yeah. im here because i was guilt tripped" annabelle sighed as she adjusted the t-shirt that hung lowly over her chest.

"wanna ditch this party and go back to mine and sit on my roof, for old times sake?" he questioned as annabelle's eyes lit up.

"i'll be back in a sec" she informed him, going to find billy.

"hey, bill. i'm going home. i'm tired and i have a headache. will you be good to catch a lift?" she questioned as billy turned around quickly.

"uh-huh, yeah. carol has something she wants to show me anyway" he slurred as annabelle nodded, wary of carol's motives.

"stay out of trouble for me" she mumbled, kissing his cheek before walking out to find steve.

"all good?" he questioned standing up, before annabelle gave the nod of confirmation.

they started walking as steve looked around, his head somewhere else.

"hopper still mad at you for breaking mr morris' window?" he questioned, breaking the everlasting silence. annabelle barked out a laugh.

"yeah. claims that he has the right mind to send me to juvie. i called his bluff of course and he gave in. one of the perks of your dad dying" she explained, her tone now bland.

"it's okay to talk about it you know, your dad that is. it's not healthy to keep it all inside" steve informed her as she just sighed.

"i really dont want to talk about it right now steve. the mood's depressing enough" she admitted as steve nodded carefully, looking at her thoroughly.

"how's dustin after hearing about lucas and max?".

annabelle remained quiet, reminicing. "he'll get over it". steve only nodded, unlocking the door and leading her up to his room.

annabelle wondered around as steve grabbed a bottle of vodka from his stash, herself grabbing the nailed bat. "you up for a game of nailbat?" she questioned as he laughed, not needing to give an answer as they both went downstairs and into his garden.

steve threw the ball towards annabelle, who's aim in the game was to hit the ball and manage not to get it stuck. she had a tactic of hitting the ball with minimal force, and that is what she did, as they both shared the bottle.


"i would definitely fuck johnny depp, marry george michael which means i'd have to kill rob lowe" she hiccupped as steve gasped.

"you did not kill off rob lowe. the mans a dream boat" he objected as annabelle laughed at him.

"fuck him then" she mumbled jokingly. "okay dreamboat steve. fuck, marry, kill; phoebe cates, kelly preston and demi moore".

"easy. fuck moore, marry cates and kill kelly" he spoke with zero hesitation as annabelle looked at him challengingly.

"okay, i've got a harder one. grace lesley, maddison gray and me" she smiled, naming two of the most attractive girls in their year.

"you really had to throw yourslef in. well, i'd fuck grace because you know, she'd hot. kill maddison and marry you because its best friend goals to do that aswell as i'd be able to fuck you whenever" he winked as annabelle cackled. "now for you smartass. me, billy and elvis".

annabelle only stared into his eyes, shocked. "yoi really gonna make me kill off billy?"She joked as Steve rolled his eyes. "fuck billy, marry you and kill my lord and saviour elvis presley" she sighed, looking as if it hurt to say the words, making them both laugh.

their attention was soon caught by steve's dad's car pulling up to the drive as annabelle cursed under her breath, knowing of his disliking towards her.

"better dash steve-o or he'll have both of our heads" she mumbled, kissing his cheek. "love you" she yelled, jumping the fence and running home through the woods which seemed eerie now that she knew what went down with will.

she arrvied home at 2:34, having to sneak through her window as she was two hours and thirty-four minutes past curfew. she quickly changed out of the jeans and croptop sh was wearing and quietly called up billy's landline.

"hello" the groggy voice of max answered as annabelle felt bad for waking her up.

"ah shit, did i wake you?".

"no, i was talking to lucas. billy's not here" she instantly told her as annabelle just froze.

"can you tell him to call me when he gets back?".

"yeah sure. bye" max dismissed her, hanginh up as annabelle sat on her bed, just hoping to god that Billy hadn't gone with Carol.

so writers block was a bitch whilst writing this chapter lol so it's not up to like the usual okay standards. bare with me with this story cos i finally have a plan on where i want it to go from here : )

down hill; billy hargroveWhere stories live. Discover now