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"HOW MANY TIMES have i got to tell you not to climb over my fucking chairs? these cost sixty dollars per fucking chair to be remade after steve ripped them with that goddamn bat last year" annabelle complained, running her hand over the blue synthetic leather. 

"atleast once more" dustin sassed the eldest henderson, earning nothing but a glare in response. "so, what really happened to your face?".

"i've told you already, are you deaf? i tripped" she seethed.

"i call bullshit. come on, you can tell me" he pressured, angering her before she finally snapped.

"i got into a fight". adding how she had won. dustin couldn't help but smile victoriously as he'd made his sister crack.

"i'm telling mom" he spoke her smugly.

"at least be proud of your siter for beating yet another bitch up. hooray for feminism" she smiled proudly.

"belle, the whole point of feminism is female empowerment, not knocking each other out" dustin spoke slowly as if she was a toddler, making annabelle scoff quietly. "also, i'm still telling mom".

"do you think it's wise to do that knowing i won the fight?" she questioned. he looked down before his head shot up.

"take me to the arcade tomorrow and i'll keep quiet".

"dont even try to bargain with me" she told him.

"come on please" he whined, a urgency in his voice that made him sound like a kid. she sighed as she closed her eyes in annoyance for a brief second.


pulling up in front of their house, dustin jumped out of the car, running inside ahead of her. "evening" she muttered as she walked through the door, heading straight to her room. she entered her room and locked the door quickly, putting her scorpions vinyl on.

still loving you was the first song that played as she hummed along softly. she always had a thing for singing, although she never cared to do anything about it. she knew that she wasn't the worst at it, and hell she wouldn't care if she were. singing was a part of her upbringing.

she inherited it from her father who was utterly obsessed with everything music. no matter where they were, he always had the radio on or a vinyl playing and she thanked him for that. he wasn't an ordinary dad; he took her out to the bar's dancing nights with him and they danced and sung, acting as if annabelle was much older than five. it was her favourite thing about her father.

the music drowned out all the other noises in the house as she attended to her wounds. she sat back into her chair, admiring the mess on her face. she had to admit, amanda got a few good blows in, and she'd definitely have to cover up her face to avoid any questions from her mother.

she wiped off the dry blood and applied some foundation onto her whole face, before adding concealer. she leaned back into the chair, happy with the outcome, before being interrupted by someone knocking her door. a groan left her lips as she turned off her vinyl and unlocked the door.

"nancy?" she questioned as she stood before her, subconsciously moving out of the way for her to enter her room. annabelle was beyond confused as to why the eldest wheeler sibling was in her house. it'd make much more sense for her brother, mike, to be knocking at the door, asking her to play D&D with them. nancy was taken aback from how different annabelle's room was to her's and her friends'.

it was painted a shade of dark red with white furniture and a double bed. she had posters of multiple different rock bands and singers along with multiple inappropriate ones of men in their underwear hung all over the walls, a guitar seemingly hammered to it aswell and a board featuring some of jonathan's photos. she also had a small, second if not third hand, TV on a table in front of her bed, and next to it a telephone.

"what?" annabelle questioned her expression.

"it's just-" she paused, mid-sentence.

"what'd you expect realistically?" she asked sarcastically, sitting on her bed. nancy shook her head quickly.

"no, it's not that. i just didnt expect yo- it to change so much" nancy stuttered. annabelle nodded her head, seeming understanding where she was coming from.

"five years is a long time" she whispered as nancy gave her a sad glance. "and my mom doesn't care much about what goes on inside this room" she added, nancy stuck out her hand and placed it on annabelle's shoulder. she and her mother had never really gotten along, but things were starting to get better. annabelle let it be for a second before shrugging it off. "so, what do you want?" she questioned.

"i need your advice on something".

"on what exactly?" annabelle raised a brow.

"jonathan told me that you're good at being blunt so here i am" she replied, sheepishly.

"of course he did." annabelle mumbled, making a note to confront him about it and possibly annoy the shit out of him on a new level. "what's wrong then?".

"so, let's say that metaphorically, someone liked two boys, and that these two boys like them too but are seemingly making this person choose between them. they haven't said anything but she knows" nancy paused, contemplating her next words. "one is someone they've been friends for awhile and its like he just gets her. the other one is more rugged, and likes to show m-her off. he loves her".

"if you're talking about jonathan and steve then i cant help you sorry wheeler. i cant tell you to choose one of my best friends over the other, but if she truly liked the first guy, how come another guy made her second guess it? if she liked him so much she wouldnt bat an eyelid over the second guy. dont break my boys' hearts, wheeler or i'll break your pretty face" she told her plainly, before practically shooing her out. "now if you'll excuse me, i have things to do, so im gonna have to ask you to leave". nancy did as she was asked and left, whispering a thank you.

"fucking jonathan" annabelle mumbled under her breath.


yay part two x

down hill; billy hargroveWhere stories live. Discover now