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     ANNABELLE HEARD her mother entering the house, as she began making food for the family cat who she hadn't seen since yesterday, which was rather odd. "mew-mew dinner" her mother yelled, pouring catfood inside the bowl.

"where are you, mew-mew?" she yelled again as dustin entered the house. "hey dusty!" she greeted him.

"hi. hey, mom" he spoke, breathlessly.

"everything okay?".

"yeah, everything's fine, yeah" he stuttered, before entering his room and locking the door.

annabelle got out of bed and knocked on his door.

"hey kiddo" she greeted, letting herself in. dustin ignored his older sister and began talking to his creature.

"dart, i've gotta talk to you buddy" he instructed him, taking off his bag. "it's about my friend; will" he panted as annabelle listened carefully to what was being said. "i think..." dustin stopped speaking suddenly as he removed the blanket off dart's tank, the glass broken. dustin lowered himself as his sister came to stand behind him.

he reached inside the cage to grab something.
"is that-" she asked him, disgusted. he ignored her tone and picked it up.

"what the hell?" he questioned as they both shot around after hearing a screech. "dart?" dustin questioned as annabelle stood beside her brother, not wanting him to get hurt.

they both walked towards the cause of the sound slowly, before coming face to face with dart eating mews. they both stared at the thing for a few seconds, eyes wide, before it turned to face them and screeched loudly. "what the fuck is that?" she asked, having to drag her brother away from the thing.

"i dont know" he answered, shock coating his voice. they both entered annabelle's room as she shuffled around her drawers before pulling out a gun.

"why the hell do you have a gun?" dustin questioned.

"for situations like these" she stated, leading dustin back to his room.

"what do you think your doing?".

"putting a bullet through this bitch's head before he decides to turn me into his midday snack" she told him, uneffected that it was still eating the cat.

"nuh-uh. you aren't killing dart" he told her, stepping in front of the thing.

"dustin what the fuck are you doing? move or i'll kill you too" she threatened her brother, obviously bluffing.

"you wanna kill dart? you have to go through me" he told her sternly as annabelle lowered the gun.

"that could be arranged" she muttered, turning around to exit the room. "but if that thing decides it wants human for dinner, my blood is on your hands, little brother." she told him.

dustin rolled his eyes at his sister, before closing the door in her face.

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