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TWO WEEKS HAD passed since annabelle was knocked out and things had been calm. it was like the world had slow'n down and now normal things seemed to matter more.

"so, my mom wants to officially meet you" she trailed off awkwardly, sitting next to billy on the couch in his livingroom. billy only nodded, feeling no need to reject the offer. "it's totally cool if you dont want to come, i mean, i wont be offended" she carried on, trying to hint that she wanted nothing less than billy and her mother meeting. billy chose to ignore his girlfriend's attempt of avoiding the meet-up, smiling absentmindedly.

"i have to meet her properly someday. i mean, she has the right to know who the man making you scream at night is" he shrugged. annabelle sent a glare his way, unimpressed by his words. he knew how much annabelle disapproved the fact that her mom wanted to meet him. in her mind either her mom would scare him away or billy'd make a bad impression and she'd be forbidden to see him again. just the thought alone made her laugh and shiver at the same time.

"cool. cool. cool" she played it off, fearing of what was going to happen.

she knew billy and her mom were total opposites and it scared her, and always feared the worse when it came to her happiness as she knew that their personalities would clash badly. billy was cool and steady, never panicking. her mother on the other hand was anything but calm and collected. she rushed every one and thing in fear that she didnt have enough time.

billy was a easily aggravated person that wouldn't hesitate to throw a punch, while her mother often reacted completely different to situations. she stayed positive and talked them out. annabelle feared that if her mother didn't accept billy then she'd have to 'break up' with him. loose term wise. it would mean she'd have to sneak around to keep seeing him. she had enough of that when they were seeing each other after the whole lucas and billy thing at the byers', she had no intention of reliving that as boyfriend and girlfriend.

billy on the other hand seemed nonchalant about it, which awoke a slight jealousy in annabelle as ignorance is bliss.


annabelle finished straightening her hair, the almost faded blue dye looking as messy as ever at the end. she looked in the mirror, admirinh what she wore.

a lace white tank that hugged her upper body, and a denim skirt that she had bought the previous week while out shopping with steve for hair gel.

"belle, come help me set the table" her mother yelled as she scurried to the dining room. "you look lovely dear" claudia smiled as annabelle's eyes darted to mike and dustin who were sitting patiently at the table.

"no"she stated bluntly, getting out the cutlery.

"i'm here for the billy hargrove inspection" mike spoke with authority in his voice as annabelle let out a annoyed huff.

"you're what now?".

"well, since i cant have you, i have to make sure the person who can is worthy of you" he exclaimed. her gaze shifted to her brother, who mirrored her dull expression perfectly.

"i live here".

"what'll happen if he doesn't pass your test?" she asked curiously as mike looked back blankly.

down hill; billy hargroveWhere stories live. Discover now