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Annabelle woke up on the camping bed, looking around and familiarising herself with the room. She groggily got out of bed and looked at the wall clock on Jonathan's room which told the time of 10am. Sighing, she opened the door and entered the now loud kitchen to the smell of pancakes.

"Annabelle, so nice of you to finally join us" Jonathan teased as she flipped him off, yawning in the process.

"How's things?"She questioned Will, taking a seat next to him and looking at the news paper that lay on the side of the table.

"Good. Is Dustin enjoying that camp?"He questioned, voicing his curiosity about her brother and his recent adventure, as he called it.

"I think. He and mum have been writing to each other a lot and I've sent and received two saying that he's got a girlfriend. Have you heard anything from him?". Will shook his head, Taking a bite of his pancake. "There's still time. He's only been gone a week"Annabelle shrugged, yawning again.

"Late night?"Joyce questioned jokingly as Jonathan chuckled. Annabelle smiled slightly at her.

"Jonathan wouldn't shut up about-". Jonathan cut her off before she could finish.

"I told you all of that in private"He uttered towards her, before flipping a pancake successfully and earning a round of applause.

"I could give you Dustin's address if you want. Just call me tonight"She informed Will who nodded enthusiastically. "Cool".

"Do you have any plans for today, Belle?"Joyce questioned curiously, attempting to pry on Annabelle's love life yet again.

"Don't think so. Might just go home and catch up on some TV or something"She shrugged, smirking at Joyce's disappointment.

"You could come with me and Nancy to the cinema if you wanted"Jonathan suggested as Annabelle scrunched her nose.

"You two are too lovey-dovey for me to handle" She cringed as Jonathan rolled his eyes.

"You and Billy undress each other with your eyes on a daily basis. I think my relationship is much more child friendly and easier to be in the company of". Joyce flicked him on the shoulder playfully at his words, mumbling for him to shutup as he placed a pancake on Annabelle's plate. She reached for the nutella and spread it all over, before rolling it up and cutting it into bitesize pieces.

"I will never get over how weirdly you eat your pancakes"She admitted, looking towards Will, who instead kept his flat and cut it into squares.

"You call this weird but I call your way weird" He shrugged, stuffing the last bite into his mouth before getting up and placing the plate into the sink. "I'm going to Mike's. I'll be back by sundown"He called, exiting the house with no further information.

"I'd better be off to work as well. Want me to drop you off home, Belle?"Jonathan questioned as she nodded, eating the last bit of her food and cleaning her and Will's plates before going back to Jonathan's room to assemble her belongings.

She met him back in the kitchen in five minutes before hugging Joyce goodbye. "Don't be a stranger, Belle. You know how there'll always be a warm welcome for you here"She smile as Annabelle nodded, pulling away and following Jonathan to his car.

Once he started the engine, she raided the glove compartment for any mixtape. Smiling, she ejected the Elvis one from his tape deck and inserted a Aero Smith one inside instead.

They both sat in a comfortable silence, humming along to toys in the attic and sweet emotion for the rest of the journey, before finally pulling up in her drive. Jonathan stopped about a block away from her house, knowing how her mother reacted to people coming into their driveway.

"I'll see you around Jonny boy"She smiled as he nodded, before slamming the door and walking towards her home.

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